Simply Misconceptions (18)

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===United Nations===

From : Cygnus Station Administrative

To : United Nations Joint Mission Analysis Centre

Subject : Cygnus Station Status Report #19

1) Reconstruction efforts on New Eden base are in the final stages as of April 12th. Engineering team estimates operational capacity to be approximately 95% once restoration is complete.

All critically damaged/destroyed buildings have been replaced via on-site prefabrication. As a result of using the Station's resources, our material reserves are almost depleted.

An immediate resupply is needed to alleviate logistical concerns, otherwise establishment of the exploratory outpost to the southern archipelago will be severely delayed.

2) The intelligence gathering operation, led by Senior UN Diplomat Cooper has been successfully concluded and has yielded a treasure trove of infomation. No casualties were sustained by both the delegation and attached SOG Fireteams.

Thanks to the efforts of the former, our current understanding of Faction Alpha has improved in several key areas. The talks were done over the course of three days with a charismatic figure known as Princess Luculia.

Her existence strongly suggests Faction Alpha's form of government to be a monarchy, and not a republic as previously speculated.

The apparent hospitality given to the delegation, as well as the UNSOG operatives seems to derive from their culture.

This was shown, even during the height of their massive counter attack against Faction Beta to the east. There is a firm consensus amongst the delegation that these people are deeply rooted in tradition.

They clearly hold nothing against us, the issue with Expedition 6 is clear. They were simply caught in the crossfire.

In light of these revelations, the threat level for Faction Alpha will be downgraded from S-1 to S-3.

3) The three Faction Beta prisoners have been transfered to the appropriate holding facilities on Tartarus Base in order to minimise exposure to Cygnus Station Tier-2 personnel and below.

A second attempt at interrogation will be made shortly with the assistance of a magical necklace. Through unknown means, the ornament is able to bridge over the language barrier.

The item was secured by one of the Operatives tasked with gathering infomation regarding Faction Alpha's military assets during previously mentioned operation.

4) Our understanding of this world continues to grow at an exponential rate. Attached to the end of this file is a complete rundown on a recently deceased corpse of a giant terrestrial crustacean.


"They have no idea..." I commented, staring at the prisoners through the window, taking care to hide my presence.

All three were currently in a room, appearing to be immersed in a conversation judging from their moving lips. Their armor was gone having been confiscated for analysis, replacing the medieval outfit is a featureless white, form fitting attire.

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