Iida Riho x dance teacher!Reader

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Iida's P.O.V
We were practicing our sub-unit songs. Kussun, Mimorin and I were finished and now BiBi is about to practice. Suddenly Emitsun came to us and said "Hey, did you know that we're gonna get a dance teacher!?"

"What?!?" We,lily white, asked.
"Yes. Our dance teacher is a female and her name is Y/N L/N."
We three nodded. The door opened and I saw the most beautiful girl that I have ever seen. We all stood up and bowed and she bowed back.
When she was standing up straight again she smiled to me. My heart just skipped a beat. "What is happening?! What is this feeling?" I thought.

Y/N's P.O.V
"Wow" was the only thing I thought when I saw the brown short haired girl. "Hello, my name's Y/N L/N. I'm 29 years old. It's nice to meet you!"

Each one of them stood forward and introduced theirselves.
"Kusuda Aina aka Kussun" "Nanjo Yoshiko aka Nanjolno" "Tokui Sora aka Soramaru" "Suzuko Mimori aka Mimorin" "Nitta Emi aka Emitsun" "Aya Uchida aka Ucchi" "Hori Eriko aka Pile" "Kubo Yurika aka Shikaco" "Riho Iida aka Rippi"

When their where finished I couldn't help but just stare at Rippi. I blushed. I think some of them noticed because some of them laughed.
"Ehh then... let's start! I think?!"

They nodded and began to show the moves. The first ones that are gonna practice are Nanjolno, Soramaru and Pile-sama.

I looked at the moves and I hope that I'm gonna remember everything.
The moves were easy. Their began dancing and Nanjolno made a little mistake. I saw that I think that Nanjolno a little bit was hurt at the knee. After that I walked to Nanjolno and asked her about her knee.

She looked away and said that she had problems with her knee. "But the people that are working at the stadium are gonna help me with a platform and other things." "Ah okay I get it. But please don't overwork your knee, okay?" "Okay." She showed me thumbs up.

I turned around and saw that Rippi was looking at me. When she saw that I was also looking at her, she fast turned around and blushed.Kussun then came to me and smirked.
"I saw that you two were looking at each other. Are you too in love?" She wiggled her eye brows.

"I-I....."Kussun step forward and I stepped back. "...don't know yet!"
Kussun just smiled and nodded and sat down next to Rippi.

We finished with BiBi and now was Lily white's turn. They showed me the moves and I must say that their songs is very beautiful and I can also recognize Rippi's voice. I showed Mimorin and Kussun how they can move easier. Then I needed to show Rippi how to be less nervous.

Rippi's P.O.V
I'm so gonna blush. Y/N stands behind me and is gonna show me how to be less nervous. But I'm nervous because of her. You can say it's one sided love, but I hope she feels the same way I do.

When she was nervous I really felt less nervous than I was. Suddenly Kussun coughs and we were all looking at her.

She smirked in the direction of me and Y/N. She shout "JUST CONFESS TO EACH OTHER"
We two looked at each other and blushed deeper.

Suddenly I feel someone push me and I couldn't held myself up.
Y/N and me landed on the floor.
I felt something soft on my lips when I opened my eyes I saw that I was kissing Y/N.
I wanted to get up but Y/N held me down and kissed me again.
I then kissed back and we heard the other 8 girls awes and laughing.

We pulled away and she said "I love you Rippi" I smile and blushed deeper than I ever have.

"I love you too my dancer"

Any other day when they have practice
They wanted me to show them my special dance moves.
I once told them that my specialty is Break dance so their asked me several times if I can show them some break dance.

At some point I couldn't hold it in anymore and just dance a little break dance for them.

All of them said "Wow" and I drank some water and we drove to a restaurant and just let us all relax.


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