Suzuko Mimori x dying!Reader

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Mimorin's P.O.V

Everyday I heared the emotional tune of an piano being played. Every now and then I visited the room. I never felt like looking inside the room but at one point I was so curious that I opened the door and saw a beautiful girl crying. I asked why she was crying but the only thing she did was shaking her head and bowing down, leaving the room immediately.

Day after day I visited the room in hoping to meet her and I did. Every week she went with a different song. Getting sadder and sadder each day. On one particular day I went again but nothing or specially no one was there. Even the piano wasn't there anymore. I went in and searched for some hints about this situation, but nothing.

I felt sad inside like something bad had happened and I missed one particular moment, where I could have helped and returned something. Due to my job as a Muse member we went on tours and had littlerly no time for anything else. Sure it was tiring sometimes but cool and funny too.

After our 2nd Live tour, I had some time to relax and choosed to visit the room again. It was almost 1 year ago as I last went here. Everything was full of dust. I went in, grabbed a chair and sat down in the middle of the room. Suddenly something fell off the door slowly falling on the ground. I went to it opening the letter. It read that I should go to the music room with all the instruments in it. I opened the door and found the piano the girl played with before. I opened the piano and saw a box. In the box were probably more than 100 letters. I read one and bursted into tears.

The girl that always played the piano was diagnosed with cancer. She would always play the piano to beg someone to bring her dead father back. She wrote that he died when he went to the army. He was shot in the head and drowned in the ocean. She was only 13 and tried to commit suicide as her mother told her that her father died. She was stopped by her older brother as she stood at the edge of a bridge. She was never really good with her feelings and her father leaving her so suddenly wasn't plan of her future with him and her mom. She noticed me standing outside the room were she always played. She said that she would sometimes smile because someone really started listening to her playing. She would play in her school but never had friends. She was nervous about speaking, thinking she would scare them away. She went home each day thinking, maybe someone could bring her dad back. I was thinking that maybe I should have cared about her, as she was playing while crying infront of me. She was sorry that she didn't introduced herself properly. Her name was L/N Y/N. She new who I was. I felt bad for doing nothing not even going into the room, maybe starting a conversation with her but it was too late.

I fell to my knees as I felt my heart beating slower and slower. The door bursted open and in the last moment I saw all the girls standing there, suddenly running to me as I fell. 2 days later I woke up in a hospital bed only remembering little things. But teared up as I remembered Y/N being dead now. Without someone in her life. The girls came in trying to cheer me up and it helped after 1 year I understood that it should have happened how it happened. I think she wouldn't be happier today as then. She only would be more depressed and broken.
I smiled as I saw her smiling with her friends. I'm now where I wanted to be. By my father. A tear slipped out of my eye, slowly leaving this world forever. Fading, while smiling.

I heard 'Euphoria' by Jungkook while writing this. Crying almost.

Also thanks for 6k reads^^. I kinda lost interest in LoveLive. I kinda am now in the mood of Twice. So maybe if you want I can write some things about them with
fem!Reader on my second account xTaeVx ? Dm me privat leaving answers^^ bye bye for today👋🏼

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