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Mood: Determined, Unsure


You walked down to the hospital's gym, putting your hair up as you walked. You were wearing a gray tank top, as well as black, long yoga pants that hugged your form until the fabric hit your ankles. Your worn-out, orange tennis shoes stuck out among your outfit, drawing others that walked by to the florescent color.

You smirked as your mind went through all of the training you had been missing out on since you were admitted, excited to begin again.

It had been close to two months since you had been put in the ICU. The only reason why you were put there for so long was solely for rehabilitation and recovery. Unfortunately, it went on longer than expected. Only because you would push yourself so hard that you would end up tearing the muscle guarding your wound. It wasn't quite ready to heal yet.

But now, you had every ability to check out as you pleased. So, you figured that you'd go to the gym in the hospital for the last time before leaving and returning to your own life. The doctor's and nurse's had recommended that you go home and do menial tasks, but you couldn't let yourself become a house decoration by being so stationary all of the time. You had to do something to get your heart rate up.

You introduced yourself to a machine with a pull-up bar at the top, as well as some weight training equipment on the bottom. You cracked your fingers before grabbing onto the pull-bar and letting yourself dangle for a moment. It had been a long time since you had done something that required upper strength, but you wanted to avoid using your stomach as much as you could. You didn't want to rip it, as the injury you had sustained was still healing.

You pulled up on the bar, achieving a full pull up before dropping yourself back down gently. You could do this. No matter how much your arms shook, or how much your stomach screamed for you to stop, you were going to do this.

After all, you were returning to the police station tomorrow.


"(Y/n)? What are you doing here?" Matt yelled as he sat his coffee mug down on the counter, noticing your unexpected presence. You walked to the coffee pot and began to brew your patch, ignoring the stares of the detective next to you.

"I missed you too, Dixon." You commented smugly, retrieving your favorite cup from the cupboard above.

Dixon could only stare at you in shock as you simply continued on with your regular routine for a normal working day. Why were you here? You should have been home resting and recovering fully. Did you not realize what kind of risk you were putting yourself in?


His words were cut short as you hissed in pain. As you had tried to close the cabinet door with your left hand, it pulled against your recent gash. You quickly retracted your hand as you stumbled back, your hands now pushing against the laceration in hopes that the pain would subside, and you made a mental note to not reach high again without help.

"Oh my God. Will you think about yourself for once?!" Matt yelled, catching your attention. He stood in front of you his arms held out in attempts to help you if you needed him. Though, what was more catching was the angry, concerned look in his eyes. He knew that you were stubborn, but he had no idea that you were this bad. It agitated him to see you so unreasonably independent.

As if sensing the situation inside the break room, the two of you heard a knock coming from the open door to the room. Your eyes met with the commander's, his face only showing anticipation and worry.

"We need everyone in the conference room. Now."

Even with his demand in place, Matt still interrupted his command.

Deep Desire (Yandere! Gang Leader x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now