~twenty three~

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Mood: Terrified, Angry


Charles stared at the building, his heart racing. This was where you were. At least, that's what the tracking device told him. He tried his hardest to calm the nerves in his body by taking deep breaths, but it was only making him think... think about the possibility that the tracking device may be implanted in a decomposing body. It made him feel sick, but no matter what, he would make the kidnapper pay with suffering. How dare they have the audacity to take you away, let alone harm you.

Charles bait stayed outside, banging on the front door. His theory was that they were probably being expected and would get agitated and distracted by the noise. He walked around to the back of the building, pleased to hear the sound of gun shots from the other side. Maybe they would leave you by yourself to check out the sounds.

He took a deep breath as he looked at the back of the building. The door in front of him seemed to be unlocked, and he could only assume that they had left unguarded to check out what was happening outside. He gently pushed it away from him, and the door opened up to reveal a dark, empty hallway. Charles breathed out a sigh of relief as his hand went to grasp the gun in his clip. Even though no one seemed to be here, he needed to be on his highest alert.

He slowly walked into the building, the false, dim lighting creating an eerie atmosphere. Some of the lights flickered as he walked crouched against the concrete walls. He wanted to keep himself as hidden as possible. Since he was also wearing dark clothing, it wouldn't be hard to hide somewhere if he had time to.

Close shouting erupted from behind him, causing him to whip his head in that direction. Luckily, the men were running towards the front of the building, not towards him. He released the breath that he had been holding in and continued to search.

If he were a kidnapper, where would he have put you? He looked around, noting the many upper walkways that lead to rooms, versus the first floor where they patrolled and kept supplies.

With that information, he made his way to the second floor Once his climbed up a near by latter, he took the moment to observe his surroundings. Everything seemed to be vacant, except for an annoying beeping sound coming from his right. 

Slowly made his way closer to the noise, he noted that the farther he walked, the darker the interior became. It eventually got to the point where he could barely see anything, but he found what it was.

He knelt down, planting his hand on the ground below him to steady his shaking. The red light blinking from the pill sized device left Charles at a lose for words.

When he picked up the tracking device, he was nauseous upon seeing that the blinking object was covered in a small amount of blood. Just enough for there to be a small puddle on the concrete floor.

Charles grumbled as he studied the device. What did this mean for you?

Just after he had turned off the device and ended the annoying sound, he heard a small, meek sound. It was the sound of gentle sniffling - barely noticeable on it's own.  His heart thumped in his chest harder as he listened closer to the growing sound.


His heart raced even faster as he made his way closer to the sound of your saddened cries. Your cries got louder as he got closer, but he made the assumption that you were just scared - you could probably hear him.

Charles now stood in front of the door that seemed to keep you captive. He wanted to tear down the door and just grab you, but he kept himself rational and be as careful as he could. He didn't need to put you in any more danger than you already were in.

Deep Desire (Yandere! Gang Leader x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now