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Mood: Curious, Compliant


"So, I'm your escort for the night?" You asked, hoping to clarify the terms of your role. He shrugged as he helped you into a black SUV.

"If it makes you feel better to say it that way, then yes." He shut the door once you sat inside. In the front seat was Enrique, which didn't make you feel any better.

Before you left his underground holding for you, he assured you that Enrique would not harm you in any way. Somehow, you doubted, but you decided to trust him. What else could you do? You were at least hoping that the henchman wouldn't join you to any function that you were going to, but you weren't for sure.

The sound of a car door slamming to your right alerted you that Charles was now in the vehicle. Feeling the gear's shift and the car jerk forward, you reached for the seat belt and quickly strapped it against you. Not only was this something that you routinely did, but you didn't know what kind of length's Enrique would go to get rid of you. You didn't want to chance it. Next to you, you heard another click of a seat belt. You looked over to Charles, noting that he was—surprisingly—buckled up. Feeling your gaze, he looked over to you.

"What? Just because I'm a crime lord doesn't mean I'm always reckless." He explained, huffing. A smile managed to appear on your face as you looked away from him and to the night sky.

Before you left, Charles had taken the time to teach you a little dancing. Not only were you foreign to that, but also to doing it in four inch heels. Sure, you wore stilettos to work sometimes, but you never actually vigorously broke them in, let alone had ones with that height. You could still feel Charles hands on your waist. He had an unusually tight hold on you, and when you asked him about it, he just claimed that 'whore's' could easily be stolen off of the dance floor. At that point, you glared at him, but decided to not press him any further. Something was off, but you couldn't quite put your finger on your intuition.

You were also curious as to why he was using you as his escort. Why didn't he just hire one? Of course, actual prostitutes needed to be paid, but was it really that much of an inconvenience to Charles? You couldn't imagine that his empire had financial issues of all things.

And you noticed that he never bothered to mention where you were heading off to. What occasion did he have in mind to make you dress up like this? You doubted that it was just going to be dinner. You wanted to ask him about it, but part of you just wanted to stay quiet and cooperative. You were deathly afraid of an outburst from that man. You knew that these crime lords could sometimes have short tempers, and ever since his true colors were revealed during that hospital visit, he made you nervous.

But you knew. In the back of your mind, you knew that you had to somewhat stand up to him. Not too overpowering, but just enough to get your voice across. So, you took a deep breath and turned towards Charles. You didn't want to interrupt his peace as he looked out of the window, but you had no choice.


Hearing his name being called, he turned towards you with a lazy look.


"Where are we going to?" You asked, trying to make your question as bland as possible. He stared at you for another moment before turning back to the window.

"You're not going to like it." He admitted, mesmerized by the stars in the sky above him. He always wondered if one of those may be his sister looking down upon him. But every time he imagined Camille, she had a frown on her face, so he avoided thinking about her as much as he could.

"I believe that I have a right to know what I'm getting into." You explained, folding your arms to your chest. Charles closed his eyes in frustration, and you could hear Enrique growl from the front seat.

"Chief, are you really going to let her treat you like that?"


The way that Charles called his name was not solely used to grab his attention, but also to shut him up. It worked as Enrique seemed to drop his comments, which allowed him to focus on the semi-busy road in front of him.

Charles then turned towards you, a small smirk visible on his lips. He demeanor immediately made you nervous, as made obvious by the look in your eyes.

"I've been invited to a gathering and I needed a plus one." He elucidated vaguely.

"We're going to an underground club?" You asked, trying to confirm your suspicions. Charles raised his eyebrow at you and let out a light chuckle.

"Nothing gets past you, does it?" He asked rhetorically. You rolled your eyes before you returned to gazing quietly at the road outside of the vehicle.

"So, what exactly is my job here exactly?" You asked, beginning to feel anxious. What was truly in store for you at this 'gathering'? He smiled, his malicious grin not making you feel any better.

"Just simply act like a proper whore and only speak when spoken to. The people you're going to meet don't necessarily like a rebellious woman."

You glared at Enrique from the back seat as your previous memories of him came flooding back.

"I've already met one like that."

Recognizing that you were talking about him, Enrique returned your distaste as he scowled at you through the rear view mirror before returning to his driving, trying to keep his mind relatively at peace. He didn't want to make his boss angry like he had before. One more mistake like that could cost him his life.

"In essence..." You continued, ignoring the previous communication between you and Enrique, "You just want me to sit still and look pretty?"

He smirked, looking at you over his shoulder as he faced towards the car's window.

"Oh, I need you to do much more than that."

Deep Desire (Yandere! Gang Leader x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now