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Mood: Determined, Anxious


The car stopped in front of a dimly lit alleyway, which had several people trailing it up and down. As you looked closer from out of the car's window, you noted that there was an door about mid-way through the dark walking space. The security guard in front of the door looked to be intimidating, but didn't say anything to those who walked through. Weren't they used to keep reservations under control? Why was he quiet?

Charles exited the vehicle. He had told you to let him treat you like a gentleman tonight, in which you begrudgingly agreed. As much as you wanted to punch him in the throat and run off, you knew that it wouldn't be a wise choice to follow through with. You had to keep your cool.

He opened the car door on your side of the vehicle and held his hand out to you. You so badly wanted to hit his hand away and jab him in the gullet with the end of your heel, but you reminded yourself that it wasn't worth it. If Enrique saw the way that you were wanting to treat his boss, he would surely kill you with no hesitation.

You took a deep breath before taking his hand. He smirked at your compliance and allowed his grip to help you out of the tall SUV. You were grateful for his assistance, but you would never tell him that.

"To get things straight, you will be addressed as 'Emilia Loven'." He reminded, gesturing for you to link your arm in his, "You are my escort for the night, and you regularly work as a waitress. Keep your mouth shut unless you're spoken to, and you have one job in particular that I think you'll enjoy.."

"If you think that you're going to get lucky tonight, you are so far from the truth." You interrupted. He let out a hearty chuckle at your outburst before continuing.

"Not quite that far. But I will need you to show me some... affection. You are my escort, after all."

"Shut your trap before I shut it for you."

"All I can say is that the payoff for doing a good job tonight is much better than your potential punishment."

The two of you walked down the alleyway, now almost at the dive's door. Although you had no idea what the two of you were about to get into, but you resisted a snarky comment. You didn't need another mobster on your tail—one was enough.

The two of you proceeded to walk up the set of steps to the bar's front door, but, instead of going in like everyone else, Charles stopped and looked at the man.

"Are you working the late shift? This part of town is dangerous..." You refrained from looking surprised and just simply put a smile on your face and your free hand on Charles's arm to make you two seem closer.

The security guard looked the two of you up and down before nodding. He then led the way into the bar, allowing you and Charles to follow in his steps.

When you first walked in, the familiar scenery of a bar greeted your vision. You could spot several loners sitting at the bar quietly drinking, while the rest of the dive seemed to be filled with drunkards and party-goer's. Some people were even dancing on top of the tables as the bar's jukebox loudly blared some old hits from Lady Gaga. You could surely sense the ridiculous amounts of alcohol in the air.

'Interesting music.'

The guard took you past the yelling men and woman and walked to the back of the establishment. Right past the bathroom was a door that had a sign on it saying 'Employee's Only'. The guard knocked on the door, causing a similar guard like him to slightly open it from the other side. The two of them conversed in private for a moment, allowing Charles to whisper in your ear quietly without looking suspicious.

"Prepare yourself. I want your behavior to be like the other girl's downstairs, okay?"

You nodded. It couldn't be that bad, could it?

The door then fully opened, revealing a shorter, less intimidating security guard.

"Right this way, Mr. Richmond." The man greeted, leading the two of you down the dark staircase. You could see an obvious light coming from the right of the steps, but the golden aura told you that everything was going to be classy. That is, until you recognized the blaring dance music.

The bass invaded your eardrums in an irritating, yet semi-pleasant way, but nothing could have ever prepared you for what you found once you entered into the large club underneath the bar upstairs. There were many high-end couches scattered all across this long room, but it was the people sitting on them that shocked you.

There were several men sitting on each of the couches. Some of them were politely conversing while other men and their plus one's were full on making out.. The shameless behavior of these wealthy people stunned you, but that wasn't your main concern.

"Prepare yourself. I want your behavior to be like the other girl's downstairs, okay?"

You looked over to Charles, a glare on your face while his held mocking smugness.

'I swear to God I'm going to kick his teeth out.'

Seeing your realization, he leaned in towards your ear as you walked.

"I hope you don't disappoint." He teased, the smirk on his face evident in his tone.

"I'm going to murder you." You threatened, your joyful face contradicting your words. You didn't know who was watching, and you definitely didn't want to be caught by someone who wasn't as merciful as Charles. You turned away from him, focusing on keeping balance in your ridiculous shoes.

You felt something wet trail up your ear, snapping you out of your thoughts. Feeling Charles's moist tongue lick you was not a pleasant experience, but you didn't let yourself break. He was testing you; seeing if you could handle his expectations.

If this was the game he was going to play, then you were going to be his precious, little whore.

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