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Mood: Angry, Confused


You awoke to a cold atmosphere, chilling you down to your bone. Your eyes opened, only to find a dark, concrete wall covering the ceiling of the room. And on the other side of the room were bars holding the room enclosed. This was a... prison cell?

Confused, you thought back to what had happened before you went to sleep, and reminded yourself that you were knocked out. Even if that was the case, where were you?

Your head was pounding, causing you to close your eyes again and let out a groan in pain. Sure, you were hit in the head with a gun, but you had no idea that it would cause this much discomfort. You were starting to wish that someone would have just shot you. Maybe it would have helped end your infinite suffering.

A sharp, searing pain hit your gash on the left side of your stomach. You let out a scream, the injury hurting worse than it used to.

"It's infected, sir."

You whipped your head over to the source of the voice, meeting face to face with a man who was knelt down to the side of your bed, pouring hydrogen peroxide into your wound. Panicking, you went to hit the man next to you with your right hand. Though, once you began to turn towards him, the skin around your wound stretched. You stopped your movement, taking the moment to writhe around in pain.

"You can leave now." A familiar male voice commanded from the other side of the room. After his words, the medical assistant quickly got up and left, not wanting to be around if he wasn't needed.

Still groaning in agony, you didn't have the energy to look over at the new voice, but you didn't need to.

"Where did you get that wound from?" The voice asked, now commanding your hazy attention. You turned over towards him, your eyes meeting the familiar electric gray irises from before you were knocked out. But since the rest of his face was exposed now, you had a chance to really take in his features.

He wore a grey shirt, as well as black pants. The only thing extremely noticeable about him, was that he was holding a recently lit cigarette in his right hand.

"I know you." You commented. He raised his eyebrow at you.

"Oh really?" He asked, a smirk on his face as he lifted the cigarette up to his lips.

You studied him more, ignoring his tease. His face looked so familiar, but you couldn't quite put your finger on it.

"You didn't answer my question." He mentioned, leaning up against the wall behind him as he watched you, "How did you get your wound?"

You looked at him with suspicion before answering.

"A homicidal domestic violence call." You explained, pulling your shirt back down to cover up the open injury, "Mind explaining why I'm here and where?"

He smirked at you.

"You could call it a 'repayment'. As for location? Well, That's not anything for you to worry about."

"It kind of is." Your replied, turning your body slowly towards him so that way your feet were able to touch the cold floor beneath you.

"Not anymore. Enrique!" He yelled. Shortly after, a shorter, yet more masculine man than him, appeared outside of the prison cell.

"Yes, chief?" He asked, the nickname confusing you.

"Take her to another room." He requested, folding his arms against his chest, tapping the butt of his cigarette.

"Of course." Enrique replied, his thick, Mexican accent showing.

"Excuse me? I'm not going anywhere with you." You countered, catching their attention.

"Let me ask you this.."

You stayed still, intent on his question.

"Did you receive that wound by saving a woman named Camille?" He asked, his look serious and intimidating. You were hesitant to answer, but did so anyways.

"Yes, but-"

"Then my demands are final. You have no choice in this matter." He explained, making your blood boil.

"Why are you doing this to me? Who are you?!" You yelled, not understanding his reasoning behind his actions and curious about his identity. Did he really think that you were okay with this? And why did he care so much about your injury?

He ignored your spoken thoughts and told Enrique to come in. Getting the memo, the man entered and approached you. Nervous about what they were going to do, you got up on your feet and backed up against the wall.

"Don't touch me." You threatened, pointing your finger at Enrique. He was hesitant for a moment before looking back at his leader.

Following his gaze, you looked back at the man whom he addressed as 'cheif'. This was obviously a bad situation to be in. This was the 'gang' that had taken you hostage, so you were definitely in over your head.

But there was something about him that was so familiar. What was it? You continued to stare at him, hoping for an answer.


"Well, you've met my brother."


As your memories came flooding back, you realized that those sharp grey eyes were too obvious to forget.

Enrique had grabbed you by your shoulders and gently guided you out of the room as you kept yourself in your thoughts. It was baffling that you had easily forgotten him after two months. He made a very interesting first impression, but your mind was focused on Camille when she had visited you. She was so upset and seemed so alone.

They took you out of the cell and walked you down a bland, lit corridor. It looked as if the place was underground, but you couldn't quite tell. Enrique was behind you, sort of pushing you forward, while Charles led the way.

"... Where's you sister?" You asked, your mind curious. Why was she not here? Were they not that close?

You could see Charles stiffen up as he continued to walk, but you couldn't tell if it was because he was surprised that you found out his identity, or because he didn't like to talk about her.

Regardless, the hands on your shoulder's had a firm grasp around you arms. Almost as a warning of sorts.

Of course, you knew better than to fight back. If this was the gang that you had been fighting before you were knocked out, then they weren't afraid to use unorthodox measures to keep things a secret. Or so you assumed.


Charles stood in front of an unopened door, twisting the knob and pulling it open to show the interior. All the while, you were dizzy with the maze that was this building. There was no way that you would ever find your way out your own.

Enrique pushed you into the room gently, your eyes meeting the crimson red and black decorations in the bedroom. This looked so.. strange? Why was he giving you this fancy room? Why was he being so 'kind' to you as his prisoner? He could've done anything that he wanted to you, and he gave you a prestigious sleeping area? Something wasn't right. This had to be a joke. It was all just some messed up dream. It had to be.

Though, when you turned around to confront him with these questions, they had already closed the door behind you and locked it from the outside.

Now fully realizing this situation and the reality of a kidnapping quickly rushing into your head, you ran over to the door and began to pound on it.

"Hey! Let me out of here!" You shouted, hoping the thick, secure door would budge. Charles was standing on the other side of the door, chuckling at your fiery behavior.

"Make yourself at home~" He cooed, a mocking tone in his voice. You continued to scream and pound on the door, even as the two men walked back towards the main part of the compound. This wasn't the warehouse anymore. All Charles could think about was how idiotic cops were.

And, of course, how you reminded him of his sister.

Deep Desire (Yandere! Gang Leader x Reader)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara