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Mood: Uneasy


Charles stayed silent, staring at the broken doorknob resting on the floor as he sat on the edge of the bed. You barely moved the whole duration, scared that he would become furious again with even just a slight movement.

"I'm doing what I have to do to protect you."

Shadows moved outside of the room, talking quietly as the blood was moped up. You turned your back against him, wishing that this was all just some nightmare.

"I never asked for your protection, Charles."

The bed shifted ever so slightly before his arms wrapped around your waist. His head lay in the dip of your shoulder. If you hadn't been so upset with him, you would've found it charming.

"I can't do this right now. Please get off of me."

He ignored your plea and stayed, his arms holding onto you ever so tightly now. You looked down at his hands and were disgusted to see that they were still stained a splotchy red. The blood had dried over, leaving flakes of maroon to fall onto your comforter like rose petals as they crumbled off his skin.

"I'm sorry, but I can't leave you. And I won't let you leave me."

He planted a delicate kiss on your shoulder, which did anything but help you relax. It must have helped him. Within a few minutes, his breathing was slow. Even though there was an open chance to make a run for it, you succumbed to his grip and rested along with him. Your mind was too tired; you would deal with it later.


You hummed softly in response.

"Are you afraid of me?"

"What do you expect me to say?"

A pause of silence.

"I'm sorry."

His arms left, the sense of warmth that you had going with them.

"I'm sorry for the things I do that hurt you."

Charles didn't move off the bed, leaving the room again to hang in silence. So many thoughts raced through your head. This was all just so ridiculous. Everything just feels like a mess.

You sat up, pulling Charles attention. You didn't look towards him as you got up off the bed, a chill moving up your spine as your feet walked on the concrete floor.

Charles said nothing, but followed your movements until you were standing in front of him. For the first time in a while, you reached over to the nightstand and turned on the bright, yellow-hued light. You grabbed his wrists, pulling them out and up so they were in his direct line of vision.

"Do you realize what this does to me?"

Guilt suddenly washed over him as he glanced over his hands, the creases of his fingernails filled in with crusted and dark red. He looked up at you, anything to get that image out of his head.

It was the first time you had seen remorse on his face.

Tears pricked at your eyes and you let go of his hands, "Go take a shower and we'll forget this ever happened."

"But I--"

"If I see any blood on you, I'm walking out of this facility and you won't stop me this time."

He paused, but ended up nodding before heading to the bathroom, hands held up as if the blood was still dripping off his fingers. He shut the door and locked it behind him. Finally, some relief. You let out a heavy sigh and sat back down on the edge of the bed.

Something about Charles was pulling enough to make you stay. He was a charmer with an empire way bigger than himself, but he seemed to hold the responsibility better than most for his age. After so many years of watching your dad's command, it was a trait you highly respected. But there was so much of him that was broken; he had so many problems to overcome, but maybe you could help him.

Maybe he could help you too.

Deep Desire (Yandere! Gang Leader x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now