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Alright. Sorry about that. That’s just my jerk-of-a-brother Delvin trying to peter me out from talking by swathing his sweat-soaked (you wouldn’t want me telling you how odd it actually smelled like) palm over my mouth. Sweet deed, isn’t it?

[You know it’s me being sarcastic, big bro. And please, for the world’s sake, put a halt on that smirk, smile, whatever it is, and go on with pork-stewing.]

Sorry about that again. I just can’t help teasing that big guy. Well, he isn’t literally huge or gigantic or as colossal as The Hulk (but he has this tendency of being so hideous when angry) or as stoned as The Thing himself (more of the Flaming Torch fan here). He’s just a typical college jock (and I’m not belittling him, please). He likes balls and plays with them. Come on, not the balls you are probably thinking of. He isn’t like that, right Delv? Why the hell am I even asking him! Oh, being a jerk will do to, I promise (I have proofs of him being one).

[Contain yourself, Delv. I might spill out something I know – that of course you won’t want others to be blackmailing you with too.]

Thank goodness he just went on with the cooking. Back to what I was saying. Delvin’s taking up a degree I really am not sure of (alright, alright, I’m not just into what he likes – you know, drawing and stuffs that has something to do with pencils in need of constant sharpening, erasers that leave stains, and patience!). Have I mentioned him being into balls? Right, right. But he is specifically fond of basketball. It’s very rare of me praising him, but he’s an extraordinaire on that one. Perhaps he was born with a ball as a head that just morphed into a bulbous human-like top. Aside of course from the fact that he has been dozing off with two (down there) since he was ejected from mum’s tummy.

Wait, wait, wait. Why am I even talking about my brother? Good gracious! Haven’t I mentioned something about myself? No? Goodness! Alright, alright. My name’s Julia and I am my brother’s better version. Let’s all leave it at that. The simpler, the better.

[Act as if you haven’t…]

Improving. At least, he’s not been minding me being honest. Okay, enough with get-to-know-me (or us) part. I don’t want you to get all drowsy, skip this part and leave what I’ve written hanging. Now, walk towards your fridge or cupboard or room (that’s where I keep my stuffs especially when I only want them for myself) and serve yourself something to munch – peanuts, popcorn, chips, whatever, and of course, soda or water (if you’re on a diet and won’t process added calories) to gulp down what you’ve taken in.

It was a week after my high school graduation that I received the most awesome gift ever (well, for me). It was a two-way ticket for two to this place I have been longing to put my feet on. Cool, right? Yes. I remembered hugging both mum and dad so tight and jumping for like a minute continuously in so much delight. Lucky they didn’t burst. I gave them pecks on the cheeks especially mum whom I told how historical and stunning in pictures the place was, and that someday I would take pleasure in setting my own eyes on it. Right. I was a hundred and one percent sure that mum convinced dad that it would be the best gift ever. My brother? He was in the kitchen eating (he seemed to have forgotten the chewing part of it) as if he was starved for a week.

“You are taking your brother with you, Julz.” And that was the uneven and most unjustifiable  part of the deal! My brother and I on a trip? Like seriously? That’s suicide. I tried inducing them with facts. That Delvin’s a dork. That Delvin’s a nagger and won’t like nature-trippings and long walks. That Delvin’s the most unbearable person that ever existed, next to Hitler. But they didn’t buy my excuses. They seemed dumbfounded for a second and then laughed (my ever so-composed parents cackling their heart out) and left me like a mess with my brother, not far from where I was on my feet, then chomping a big piece of cheese cake (that was almost as big as a quarter) all alone. And he was all smiles.

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