Sunny Sidewalk Shadows

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Chapter 2

Sunny Sidewalk Shadows

Keeping a steady pace, Takatsu started off on his way back to his apartment. The sun was still high over his head now that it was summer and the days were longer. Usually, Takatsu would not have noticed this, but as glanced down at his shadow, something didn't seem right.

He gazed up at the sun for a few seconds (which you obviously should not be doing, because it's bad for your eyes) to see if there was something strange with the source of his shadow. Right away, his eyes hurt from the strong rays of light being emitted by their star.

Takatsu glanced back down to his shadow, which seemed completely normal now. He blinked. He could've sworn there was something off about it before.

"Well, that was weird." He muttered to himself, shaking his head again slightly. "It was probably nothing; nothing much happens around here anyway."

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