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Lance shoved Keith away from him and covered his mouth with his hands. Lance’s back hit the railing to the gazebo and he stared at the raven haired boy in disbelief.

Keith looked just as confused as Lance and opened his mouth to say something but Lance cut him off before the words came out.

“Don’t ever come near me again! You faggot!!” Lance didn’t even wait for Keith to respond before he bolted out of the gazebo into the storm.

Lance could barely see through the rain and the wind nearly threw him off his feet. He wasn’t sure if his heart was pounding because he was running or from the kiss, Lance prayed it was the first reason.

Lance was soaked and the rain kept coming. The thunder was no longer peaceful and no matter how fast he ran the thunder seemed to always be right above him.

Lance willed his legs to go faster when the school building came into view and he nearly slipped running up the stairs. He pushed the door opened and fell on his knees attempting to catch his breath. Lance hugged his torso and attempted to stop shaking, his body wouldn’t stop no matter how hard he tried. He breath was ragged and Lance felt like he couldn't breathe.

The water dripped off of him and he couldn’t hear anything around him, it was silent just like a few minutes prior. I just kissed Keith. I just kissed Keith. I just kissed Keith. Lance’s thoughts were put in an endless loop and Lance was too panicked to even hear Coran call his name.

Lance was only pulled out of his thoughts when Coran shook his shoulder. Lance turned his head towards a very concerned looking Coran.

“Lance, are you alright? Did you walk to school?” Coran grabbed Lance arm and started to pull him up. Kids were starting to stare and he wanted to make sure Lance was alright since he didn’t know if he was shaking because of the cold or something else.

Lance looked at Coran with wide eyes and attempted to breath, his lungs hitching on even the slightest bit of oxygen that Lance willing into them.

Coran took one good look at Lance “Lance are you alright? Do you need anything?”

Lance nodded violently and pulled his arm away, “Yeah I’m fine, just need to go get dried off.”

Lance bolted away from Coran, ignoring his calls.


Lance ended up running towards where he waited with his friends and nearly crashed into Hunk.

“Whoa buddy are you okay?” Hunk grabbed Lance and Lance turned towards his best friend.

“Why are you wet? Did you walk to school?” Katie pulled at his soaked jacket and Lance took a few steps back.

“Lance are you alright?” Shay asked, reaching her hand out but not touching him.

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