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Lance broke out into a cold sweat as he digested what Katie had just told him. That was my sister's locker. Of course it was. Lance couldn't see straight, his vision became to cloud and Hunk reached for his best friend.

“Whoa buddy, you okay?” He held on to his arms and slowly brought the tanner boy down to the floor.

Lance shook his head and scanned the kids in the hallway, his eyes searching for someone in particular. Then he saw him, he was standing by the wall parallel to Lance, his arms crossed over his chest and a smug smile on his face. Lance felt anger explode over his chest and managed to pull himself up and start walking towards the older man, ignoring his friends calls of confusion.

Rolo looked lance up and down and turned his head away from him. “Yeah Lance.”

“I need to talk to you now.” Lance angrily pointed his index finger at Rolo and he sighed. “Fine pretty boy, lead the way.” Lance nodded and started to direct Rolo to the library that he and Keith went to when they first had a conversation. As soon as Rolo walked into the library Lance slammed the door shut and faced the older boy. “You knew.”

Rolo gave him a bored expression, “knew what Lance.”

“That it was Camillia’s locker, you knew and yet you made me vandalize it!” Lance felt anger course through his veins and he wanted to lunge at Rolo and make him pay for having Lance do that.

Rolo laughed and leaned against one of the wooden tables in the old library.”Of course I knew that was her locker, I almost dated her.”

“You were obsessed with her, she never wanted to date you. You creeped her out.” Lance crossed his arms in defensed and continued to stare at Rolo.

Rolo clenched his fist in rage, “like you care! Why do you care if it was her locker, you didn’t even like her once she got a soulmate! You hated her, I saw the way you looked at her when I would drop her off from school. Or when I would drive you and her to get ice cream, you despised her presence but now you’re acting like you never hurt her! News flash Lance, you aren’t an angel, you and your entire family creeped her out and made her do what she did.”

Lance was speechless, no one has ever blown up on him like that before. Yet soon the words flowed right back into his mouth. “We didn’t creep her out! We acted normal around her.”

“Bullshit Lance. You and your psycho parents changed the way you looked and treated her simply because of her soulmate at the time. She came crying to me multiple times because of how she was being treated and you want to know why she told me these things and confided in me?” Lance never responded and Rolo took his silence for a yes and continued. “I was her best friend, I wanted to help her and make sure that she would graduate here, but you made it difficult. You all treated her like she was trash.”

Lance glared at the floor, none of this makes any sense . He looked back up at Rolo, he’s not innocent. “Look Rolo, I understand that you two were best friends but in all reality you can call it whatever you want. You can say that you were trying to ‘save her’ or ‘fix her’ or ‘be good to her’ but all of us saw how thirsty you became towards her. You weren’t best friends anymore and Cam told you that. She wanted you to leave her alone but you didn’t and you also drove her away. I’m not saying I’m innocent all I’m saying is that you’re not.”

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