Chapter One

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The blonde Killjoy stepped into the gas station, her black shoes leaving sandy prints on the white floor.

The place was almost empty, save for the isles and checkout. The walls, which were once blank white like the rest of the place, were now covered with layer after layer of colorful words and designs. The marks of other Killjoys. Only a few isles still had food left—boring white cans with boring black text on them, and a strange black smily face. The mark of BL/ind.

Normally, the Killjoy would steer clear of anything that BL/ind had touched, but in this case, she would be fine with it. It was food, and she was hungry. Logic told her that this was the obvious choice, but her Killjoy instincts screamed to run away with her blaster in her hand.

Nevertheless, she walked to one of the full isles and crouched to fill her backpack. She had come alone, but she still strained to hear any noise; the soft whistle of breathing, the patter of boots on linoleum, or the faint creak of the door swinging open.

But none of these sounds came, so she relaxed, if only slightly. Dracs were often found near old gas stations, laying in wait for unsuspecting Killjoys to appear.

A can slipped from her hand onto the floor, and she flinched at the sudden noise, and held still for several minutes before deciding it went unheard by anyone else.

She used the shelf to pull herself to her feet, then retrived the can, which had rolled down the isle, and stowed it away in her backpack with the rest.

Also in her backpack was a spray can. It was white, but lightly dusted with green. She pulled it out and used it to write two words on the colorful wall, over the others. 'Plastic Parade'.

Plastic Parade put away her paint and pulled a green blaster from a black holster on her leg. She held it tightly, with her finger hovering over the trigger, as she exited the station.

Plastic had no vehicle, even though most Killjoys did. She spent most of her time walking in the hot sun, although she didn't mind, much. The heat of the day didn't effect her as much as the chill of the night.

So Plastic set off, to where she did not know. Her green eyes scanned the horizon for any sort of shelter or Dracs, or just about anything. But all she saw was that sand, greenish gray shrubs, and damaged roads stretched as far as the eye could see.

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