Chapter Fourteen

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Plastic found herself sitting with Rocket until the sun had long gone down. They didn't talk, they just sat in silence, enjoying eachother's friendly company in the gentle quiet of the dark.

But all too soon, Rocket slipped his helmet back over his head and left, leaving Plastic on her own. She wasn't sure if she wanted to go back to her room yet.

After a while, someone came and sat next to her. She turned, and was surprised to see Party Poison, staring in silence at the stars that were slowly appearing.

"Whatcha doing out here tumbleweed?"

"Sitting," Plastic answered, somewhat sarcastically to hide her discomfort. Party was probably old enough to be her dad.

The red head gave a noncommittal grunt, not looking away from the sky. The moon shone high in the sky, pale and round. |A/N: just like ur mum|

Plastic turned to the darkness, her eyes wide. They were the one familiar thing about this place. Throughout her entire life, the stars were the one constant, shining in the sky above like beacons. She had always seen them, every night. That is, every night after she and her family fled Battery City. But then again, she probably would have been too young to notice them then.

"I like stars," Party suddenly spoke. "They remind me of my family. Do you have a family?"

"A sister," Plastic answered, decidedly avoiding looking at him. "My parents are dead."

"Mine are too," Party sighed. "But I have a brother. M— Kobra Kid."

"That's nice," Plastic awkwardly mumbled, not sure what else to say.

They sat for a few minutes before she decided that Party couldn't care less if she were here or not, so she quietly stood, and walked back to her room. She was beginning to get tired, since she had woken up so early, and was shivering slightly, despite the green jacket.

Before long she got to her room, which wasn't much warmer than the courtyard. She untied her shoes, which looked cool but were much too tall to just kick off, and climbed under the flowery gray sheets, covering her head, and soon the warmth of her breath filled the space, and she fell into the calming nothingness of sleep.

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