Chapter Sixteen

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Plastic Parade exited the food hall, smiling to herself. She and Scientific had taken a seat away from the others, and were soon joined by Rocket. Rocket spoke in quiet tones with the two of them, which Scientific seemed surprised about. They talked a bit, ate a bit, but mostly enjoyed eachother's company in silence. It was nice.

Now Plastic sat in the courtyard, on the lookout for a familiar head of teal-blonde hair.

It wasn't long before she spotted her, leaving the food hall with some sort of plastic bag gripped in her hand.

"Hey," Plastic grinned, walking up to her. Nicotine looked surprised for a second but then gave a half-smile. "Hey."

"I've kind of been getting to know people recently," Plastic tried to explain. "I figured I should get to know you."

"Don't you already know me? We grew up together."

"But we were apart for years," She sighed. "I'm sure some stuff must have happened."

"I met Party Poison," Nicotine blurted. She had always been a huge fan. "I talked with him. It was awesome."

"He is," Plastic agreed. "Did you meet any of the others?"

"I've seen them," She answered. "But I only talked to Party."

Plastic gave a non-commital hum. She nodded. "What else happened?"

"Not much."

She huffed. "Come on. I can't make conversation, help me out here."

"Neither can I," Nicotine snorted. She began to walk off, and seemed somewhat irritated when Plastic began to follow her.

"Kanye not?" Nicotine used the old joke they used to have. Plastic laughed, then smiled and let her sister walk away. Maybe she'd try again another time, but for now, this was good enough.

|A/N: Sorry for the short chapter, I was struck down with a bit of writers block. I'm trying to power through it. Wish me luck!|

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