Chapter Eleven

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Plastic found herself feeling a bit more comfortable after that. Launch (aka rainbow girl) stopped talking to her after that, and went back to eating. Plastic normally ate fast, but she forced herself to eat slower, so she could take time to observe the others.

Violet played with her food, for several minutes before quickly eating it.

Broken ate her food, slowly, watching the others as she ate. Chemical, who sat next to her, also played with her food, drawing faces in it and occasionally taking bites.

Vintage ate her food fairly normally, at a normal pace. She smiled warmly as she watched the people around her.

Scientific and the boy with the helmet sat side by side, with Scientific eating slowly, and helmet boy just sitting. They both had a hand under the table, and Plastic suspected they were holding them. Cute.

Ghost ate quickly, smiling to himself. He sat next to Launch, who kept flicking food at a girl across the table, who giggled and flicked it right back. She had dyed orange curly hair, a yellow tank-crop top, white leggings, and red shoes. She also had several tatoos on her arms, that contrasted nicely with her dark skin.

Even though she slowed her eating considerably, Plastic still found that she finished before most of the other killjoys.

"Hey Plastic," Violet said quietly in her ear. "Want to see the medicine room?"

Plastic grinned, pleased with an excuse to leave. Not that she wasnt having fun. "Sure."

She and Violet awkwardly stepped over the bench, then walked down a hallway opposite from the art room. They emerged in a white room filled with various medical equipment, cabinets, and three cots. The room was entirely white and pale green-blue, which Plastic frowned at.

"I don't like the colors," Violet sighed, as if reading her mind. "But white keeps you focused, and if there's any blood, you need to be able to see it."

"I guess that makes sense," Plastic mumbled. "So will I be spending most of my time here, or..."

"Nah. We don't get injured much, so you can just go about your everyday life until someone comes to get you."

Plastic opened her mouth to ask more questions, but before she could, the blue-green door swung open, to reveal Intense, who was clutching his hand, dripping with blood.

Plastic rushed forward at the same time as Violet let out a small yelp.

"What happened?" She asked, gently examining the hand. Several fingers appeared to be broken.

"Thought no one was in here.." Intense muttered quietly. "Smashed it in the hood of my car."

Plastic's mouth dropped open in disbelief. "I specifically told you not to do that! What are the odds..."

She had Intense sit on a cot, then walked over to the medicine shelf. In addition to several bottles and jars, there were also quite a few pots with plants growing in them. Plastic knew what they were. After all, she had spent almost her entire life in the desert.

She grabbed a few wrinkled leaves off a tall lanky plant. She hadn't come up with a name for it, but she knew it was a rare herb that healed wounds very quickly. She also grabbed some fuzzy pale green leaves off a short plant, which she knew healed broken bones. She threw both in a bowl and quickly smashed them into a paste, with the help of some added water, and gently smeared it on his hand.

Intense let out a pained hiss, stiffening up. Plastic mumbled an apology before grabbing some gauze and bandaging it until it looked like the pilsbury dough boy.

"No using your hand for at least a week," She stated. "And make sure to prop your hood up more carefully next time."

Intense stood and left without so much as a thank you.

"Rood," Plastic grumbled.

"That was really fast!" Violet exclaimed, staring with mild nausea at the drops of blood on the floor.

What Plastic hadn't realized, was that a feeling of comfort had filled her when she was treating Intense. It was just something she knew so well, and it was so familiar. For the first time in several days, she had known exactly what to do, and how to do it.

Unfortunately, as quickly as the comfort had come, it seeped away. Plastic shivered and crossed her arms.

"I think I'm going to go to my room, if that's okay."

"That's fine," Violet said. "See you later!"

Plastic slipped past her, through the cafeteria, and out the door. She frowned at the occasional drops of blood that had most likely fallen from Intense's hand. Maybe she should check on him, or at least learn what room he was in.

She walked into the mostly empty courtyard, searching for the familiar white hair. It didn't take long to spot him sitting on a chair in the garage, next to the old black firebird, which had red running down the front. Plastic winced in sympathy.

As she walked over to him, a boy with blond hair, brown eyes, and a white scarf tied around his neck gaped at her. Plastic looked down at herself, noticing that her leg was still bandaged and her hands and legs were splattered lightly with blood.

"Oops," she muttered to herself softly, before walking into the garage.

Intense was drinking from a plastic water bottle, and as she walked up, he coughed a bit and lowered it.

"How's your hand?"

Intense coughed again, glaring at her with his strange eyes. Plastic shuffled her feet a bit.

Suddenly Intense let out a loud hiccup, and before either of them knew it, was hiccuping rapidly.

Plastic grinned and giggled a bit, and Intense shot her a glare even feircer than before.

"I hate you."

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