Chapter Twenty Two

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Shaken, Plastic Parade pulled herself from her bed and left her room, still focusing on her breathing. There was no rain in the courtyard, probably due to the glass roof. She stared at it for a minute before she heard a faint, strange sound. She thought it was music, but it was too quiet to discern a tune or any lyrics. She listened for a moment before she realized it was coming from the garage.

As soon as she walked in, she was affronted with loud music. It seemed that a new song had just started.

"Stop, lock, and drag me into place," the man sang. His voice was high, but very good. "And lock the fire escapes. I'll break your pretty face. Yeah, yeah. Oh, you, pretty little thing. You syncophantic teens, what a precious basket case. Yeah, yeah. Now shut your dirty mouth. If I could blow this town, I wouldn't hesitate, to smile while you suffocate and die. And that would be just fine. And what a lovely time, that it would surely be, so bite your tongue and choke yourself to sleep."

As the music continued, a voice yelled over it.

"Hey, Plastic, over here!"

It was Broken Narcotic, sitting in the front seat of a black and blue car.

Plastic walked over and leaned on the hood, admiring the vehicle. "Nice car. Very black and blue."

Broken shrugged. "Hey, gotta stay on brand." she gestured to the seat next to her. "Hop on in."

Plastic walked to the other side and opened the door, then slid in. The leather seats were cool to the touch.

"Is this a convertible?"

Broken nodded. "It's a 1956 Chevrolet Convertible, to be exact. With a custom paint job."

"Interesting," Plastic said lamely. "I uh, don't know much about cars. But it looks cool."

Broken laughed. "Well thanks. Glad I've got your approval." She leaned back into the seat and put her arms behind her head. "Have you ever heard this song?"

"No." Plastic looked at the blue radio. "I really like it though."

Broken nodded aimlessly and spaced out.

"Hey," Plastic said, somewhat nervously. "I wanted to ask. I know I didn't eat lunch with you guys today... was Chemical upset? I really don't want to upset her. She seems like someone who might be easily upset. Not that I think she's fragile! Just that.."

"It's fine," Broken laughed at the blonde's awkwardness. "She does get upset kind of easily. She's very floral."

"That's... not a term to describe someone delicate." Plastic says. "Is it?"

"No," the dark skinned girl mused. "It's a term to describe someone who has a rare type of innocent beauty." She had a smile on her face.

"Oh!" Plastic coughed. "Are you two..."

"Dating?" Broken cut in. "Yup. We're gay as fuck. Why do straight people never say the word gay?"

"I'm not." Plastic said. "Straight. I'm not straight. I'm um." She tried to think of the term Snow Bird had used. "Pansexual."

"Hmm." Broken seemed somewhat surprised. "Wouldn't have guessed."

Plastic was about to ask what made her seem straight, but before she could, the other girl spoke again. "Listen, Chemical wasn't very offended. But if you want to make it up to her, I think she's in the art room, opposite from the medical bay. She'd probably appreciate some company."

"I might do that," Plastic smiled. "Say, what--"

"Shh!" Broken hissed suddenly. She leaned towards the radio, which was buzzing with static.

"Well desert darlings," a deep voice said. "We're going to take a breather and head to the Dr's office now. But don't Party just yet Kid, because there's a lot more Fun to come. The Stars are out and ready to Listen. Now the lighthouse is all lit up, and we're waiting for parade. So don't be a china doll and come give us a hand. It's time for a blanket drive and only a compass rose with no cherry pit is going to make it out. It's getting a bit chilly. Keep running."

"Oh my god," Broken whispered, writing furiously on a notepad in her hand. Plastic didn't see her get it out. "I need to talk to Party. Sorry Plastic, I'll see you later!"

With that, she got up and ran away, leaving Plastic to the sound of the radio.

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