Chapter Three

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Plastic traveled all day, stopping only a few times.

When she found shelter and lay down, she found herself not being able to sleep, even though she was hidden fairly well in a thorny bush. She was still shaken from what had happened that morning. The Killjoys most likely wanted to kill her, or else they would not have chased her. But why didn't they just shoot her? Maybe they didn't have guns?

Plastic tried to soothe her nerves by humming the first tune that popped into her head. Everybody Wants To Rule The World, and old song by an old band.

Old songs seemed to calm her down. She had a vauge memory of her mother playing songs like that all the time, as they drove down old roads in their old car, her sister complaining about how she wanted to listen to newer sounds.

But her sister was gone, and so was her mother. Both seperated from Plastic, and probably dead. Her father was the same, but she didn't have much memory of him at all. Her mother and sister were a different story. She remembered her mother having shoulder length brown hair that curled slightly at the end, and her sister having very long blond hair and green eyes. She didn't remember either of their faces well though.

Plastic rubbed her eyes, although whether from tiredness or the liquid pooling in them she couldn't tell. She had a bad habit of dwelling on the past. Wishing she could change it.

"Shit," Plastic muttered to herself, falling into a bad mood. She had these a lot, try as she might to stay positive.

She took a deep breath and sang her song quietly to herself as she stared at the stars, which twinkled in the dark sky far above.

"Everybody wants to rule the world."

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