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**Jungkook POV**

My friends and I were sitting at the Kim Café in Seoul. We sat at a square wooden table, each of us with a drink and a plate of food.

Jimin tried to make conversation so we wouldn't be sitting in awkward silence. "Have you guys heard?" All attention at the table shifted to him. "There's gonna be a band coming to town tonight! And it's free entry!"

"Really?" Yoongi spoke up, sipping on his iced coffee.

"How nice! We can all go together!" Hoseok said with a bright smile.

"What time does it start, Jimin?" I looked at him while taking a bite of my turkey sandwich.

"Nine o'clock! We can have a party when we get home!" Jimin was way too excited for this, and Hoseok joined in with him, making the excitement twice as much.

Yoongi shifted his head to me and mouthed the words I don't know them and took a bite of his bagel. I chuckled quietly, sipping my orange juice.

"What do we wear?" Hoseok began to cling onto Jimin and shake him back and fourth.

"We can wear some jeans and a shirt," he puffed out his pink plump lips, " I think I'm going to wear a hoodie. It's going to be cold."

"Okay! Jungkook you can wear your leather jacket and I'll wear mine!" He shifted his whole body to me and stared into my soul.

"Okay, I guess?" I shook my head and scrunched my eyebrows together.


"No. I'll wear what I want." He spoke coldly, just as he always spoke. "Or I won't go."

"Okay," Jimin chuckled and hugged Yoongi's arm. "Who's driving?"

"I guess I will." Suga sucked the last of his iced coffee through the straw, making a sound in the cup.

"Great! Then let's all go home right now and get ready!" Jimin stood up pulling on Yoongi's arm. Yoongi soon stood up and was twice the size of him. Jimin wrapped his arms around him, he looked so precious.

"Alright, see ya guys later." I stood up from my seat, grabbing my cup of orange juice and began to walk out with Hoseok. He was my ride home.

We arrived at the car, both of us slipping inside and putting on our seatbelts. I put my earbuds in and scrolled through Instagram. I could feel Hoseok's eyes on me every so often, he thinks I'm depressed or something because I'm always listening to music or on my phone. Or both. But that's just my thing.

He arrived at my house, parking in the front. He pulled one of my earbuds out gently making me look at him. "Do you want me to come in? You look sad."

"Hoseok hyung, I'm not sad. I just like listening to music, it's awkward when I talk to people."

He pulled me into a tight hug, his nose in the crook of my shoulder. "I care about you, I want you happy tonight. And no being on your phone."

"Okay okay, I won't be on my phone." I returned the hug. We parted and I slid out of the car, grabbing my orange juice and shutting the door behind me. I waved bye while walking to the door. He watched me until I walked inside.

I stepped in the house, giving him the signal 'you can go now' and waved one last time. He drove off as I shut the door. I walked over to the couch in the living room, plopping myself on it. I sighed heavily.

I looked at my watch, seeing that I only had four hours to get ready. People were probably already lining up down there, but me, I was lying on the couch ready to take a nap. It only takes me two-five minutes to get ready anyway.

My lids began to feel heavy, my body not wanting to move. My eyes closed, engulfing me into the darkness of sleep.

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