12: [O]

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**Jungkook POV**

We arrived at the unisex strip club, I knew it was in Seoul because I've passed this place many times, just never paid any attention to it. Taehyung fixed his jacket, sticking a piece of gum in his mouth. "You ready?" He held a piece of gum to me.

"Sure I guess. How many times have you been here?" I took the gum and placed it in my mouth.

"At least five." He walked to the doors as I followed closely behind. We walked right into the place with loud music blasting, purple lights everywhere, black and red furniture, and... of course, female and male dancers scattered throughout the place. A huge whiff of alcohol hit my nose, making me shake my head.

"I don't like it." I was hesitant to continue walking.

"C'mon kookie, you need to get used to it here. Maybe you'll get some tonight." He smiled and dragged me farther in. I looked like a kid with his parent at a bar. I didn't belong here.

A woman came up to me, tracing her fingers along my jawline causing me to stand frozen. My eyes widened as she got closer, rubbing her almost fully exposed body on mine. I backed away, waving my hands. "No no I-I'm fine."

"Come on baby boy, have some fun." She grabbed my jacket and pulled me closer to her. I moved my head back, looking at Tae for help, but Taehyung wasn't near me. Great.

"It's fine, I'm not- I uh-" I was having a panick attack.

"Oh so you're gay? I can get one of the boys out here if you'd like." She curled her hair around her finger.

"What? No. I don't want anyone." I spotted Tae at the bar, drinking from a small glass.

"Call me over when you do." She smacked my chest and walked off. I walked over to Taehyung, brushing myself off. I sat next to him and laid my head on the table.

"Already tired?" He laughed as he sipped his alcohol.

"What is that?" I turned my head to him and looked at his glass.

"Try some, it's good." He gave me his glass. I sat up and immediately took a sip of the alcohol. I've had this before... THE CONCERT! I coughed a little, but downed the rest of the glass. "Wow, you've drank before, huh?" He snickered.

"Yes I have and it didn't end well." I told a portapotty "open baby please" I am never saying that again OR drinking that much again. He laughed at my comment as he called for two more glasses.

"Are you ready to party babe?" He smiled and acted like one of those girlfriends, he even did a high pitch voice which made me laugh.

"Fuck off don't call me babe." The bartender came back with more drinks, I took some more sips.

"And you call me no fun." He shoved my arm gently and took a sip of his drink.

About 20 minutes of chatter, laughter, and more drinks, we were finally in the middle of the club watching the dancers. I was a bit intoxicated but I was to the point I knew my surroundings, my name, and I knew how to walk and talk straight. "You like that one?" He pointed at a topless woman dancing on a pole.

"She's alright." I leaned my arms on the counter.

"How about him?" He pointed at a shirtless guy, teasing people by hooking his thumb in his pants and untying his belt. I felt my heart rate spike up, I just stared at the guy. "Aaah you like him don't you?" He pat my back.

"He's..." Yep I think I'm gay. I licked my bottom lip and squinted at the dude, feeling something growing in my jeans. I didn't pay much attention to it because, well, I've never had something "grow in my pants".

"He's hot right?" He stared at the guy with me. "That's Luhan, he's the one everyone requests."

I tuned him out of my head and watched how he danced, his abs, his legs, every detail.

"Jungkook!" Taehyung shook me back and fourth.

"What?" I shook my head and snapped out of my trance. "What what??"

"I've been calling your name for like 5 minutes, where did you go?" He tapped my head.

"Uh... No where. Can we go? I'm getting kinda bored."

He raised a brow at me, "You're bored? At a strip club?"

"Yeah," I yawned. "I'm tired too."

"Aish," he shook his head. "Whatever let's go." He grabbed my arm and took me out. "I guess we can have a party at home then."

"Sure, yeah." We arrived in the car, both of us sitting inside.


Taehyung had given me more to drink, making me more intoxicated than I was. At this point I was laughing at nothing, my cheeks were red, and I began to hiccup. I couldn't stop smiling, I was smiling at nothing and rolling on his bed.


"What do you want now?"

"Why you- such a pussy?"

"Excuse me?"

I laughed again, then I passed out right after.

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