Capítulo Dos: "Consider yourself hijacked"

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I’m dreaming.

Yes, that is exactly what is going on.

You know when you have those really vivid dreams that just seem as if they are in reality? That is exactly what is going on. Or I hope so at least.

People see dreams as a variety of things. While it is obvious that every single person has dreams, it has not been made clear why we do.

People argue for different purposes. I personally think it is your subconscious releasing any sort of pent up emotions you have inside you. That being said, me dreaming about Maximiliano seems like a good way to explain this situation.

Initially when I met the guy, I wanted to jump his bones then and there. Before that could happen, however, I scared the poor guy away. Thank heaven for that.

a) It would be against my morals

b) I didn’t want to be an easy catch

Nevertheless, this is me releasing the inner turmoil I had for the kid.

This was a dream- a very hot one at that. I was simply relieving my sexual frustration. I could do anything right now; you are the one that controls your dreams, so I will do as I want.

I snake my arms around the driver’s seat, reaching my fingertips under his shirt, where the warmth of his skin welcomes me.  I nibble on his ear tenderly before I kiss my way down his neck.

“What are you doing?” Maximiliano asks incredulously.

“Shh,” I mutter, “This is my dream.”

He chuckles, “This is not a dream.”

I ignore him and continue as I’m doing.

“Of course it is,” I state, “Otherwise, I’d be back in the clearing.”

“Hate to burst your bubble darling,” he continues, “But, this is real.” 

He slams the breaks to the car. The force causes me to hit the back seat harshly as I fly backward. I rub my head, feeling a head ache come on.

“What the fuck was that for?” I exclaim.

“That was your wakeup call,” he mocks.

I look around, taking in my surroundings. Everything does seem real – a bit too real. I raise my hand and look at it closely. 


“Did you just slap yourself?” he asks, chuckling to himself.

I grab my cheek in pain. That definitely hurt.

“I did,” I reply, “Hurt like a beach.” 

My eyes widen in response. I just made a complete fool of myself.

I can handle someone witnessing me slapping myself. The thing that embarrassed me was how I was ready to take this guy in the back of the car.

Oh gosh.

I’m a virgin. I would never even think about doing this in real life. I have no confidence. I am a pack mule when it comes to seducing a guy.  I’m pretty sure a mole rat has more game than me.

I look up and watch Maximiliano stare at me merrily through the rearview mirror. My cheeks redden in response.

“I am so sorry,” I stutter, “I thought I was dreaming.”

“Don’t be,” he mutters, “I enjoyed that very much darling.”

My blush grows even further. Can I just sink into this leather seat?

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