Capítulo Doce: "That's very rich coming from you."

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The silence in the room is deadly.

No one- absolutely no one- dares to speak a word.

Everyone remains frozen in their place, waiting for something to occur. All eyes are focused between the man that claims to be my father and I, never changing direction in fear of losing something significant.

“I don’t have a father,” I answer at last, “That man left me my mother & I years ago, leaving us to fend on our own.”

“You don’t understand-

“What?!” I yell, “That you left us to become some stupid politician, showering in wealth while we struggled day by day.”

“You have to hear my side of the story, Elizabeth.” He pleads, his eyes filled with sorrow.

“I probably should,” I state, “But, quite frankly, I rather not.”

My eyes land on Ryder. He remains expressionless, staring past me at the dark wall. It is as if his mind is elsewhere and nothing around him – not even I- are present.

“Officer, if you are done day dreaming,” I seethe, “I would appreciate if you completed this interrogation, so that I may get back to my home.”

“You do not give me orders, Ms. Elizabeth.” Ryder responds, “May I remind you I have the ability to place you in jail for being an accomplice to Jason Boggs?”

I release a chuckle, “Ms. Elizabeth? That’s very rich coming from you.”

Ryder remains cold, glaring in my direction. He signals the remaining officers in the room to escort my dear father out of the room, leaving us both alone. He watches me cautiously, raising an eyebrow boldly, daring me to rebel against him.

I scoff, rolling my eyes at the confidence he manages to display.


Ryder walks towards a camera placed in the corner of the room and turns it in my direction. The red light flashing over the lens alerts me I am being recorded.  He sits in the seat in front of me once more, opening the file he had previously acquired.

“How do you know Jason Boggs?”

In that manner, the interrogation begins. For about an hour, I remain in the room as questions are asked in affiliation towards the case at hand. I respond each question truthfully, aware of my innocence in all matters of this case.

Once Ryder, himself, is satisfied with my answers and recognizes my innocence, I am free to leave the station.

For a second, I consider heading down to see Jason, but I decide against it, not wanting to see him in such a horrid place.  I arrange a ride straight to the airport, not bothering to bid farewell to anyone at all. After all, the only person worth seeing for a final time is behind bars.

A car stops in my path. I watch as a man walks around the front of the car and kindly opens the door for me. I thank him in response and step inside the car. As the car is driving away, I see two figures running from inside the station.

One is my self-proclaimed father and the other –

The other is Ryder Shane Smith.


Third Person Point of View

“Sir, Elizabeth Anne Watson has been found.”

Propelling his feet on the desk before him, the man finds himself smiling in victory. “I want you to keep a very close eye on her and when the time is right, I want her to bring her to me."

On the other side of the line, the person releases a sigh. “And if someone stands in the way?”

Once more, the man releases a devious smile, chuckling in the process.  “You already know the answer to that, dear.”

To be continued…



That, my friends, is the last chapter. Some of you may like it, some of you may loathe it, but I went with my heart.

There will be a sequel and it will be a complete novel with longer chapters and a greater plot- or so I hope.

The Sequel is called .... TRACKED.

It will contain former characters and some new ones as well. In case some of you are wondering, it will be categorized as Adventure/Action & Teen Fiction.  

Now, Elizabeth's surname is recognized  as James. However, the person recognized her as Elizabeth Anne Watson. Why is that?

Well, that will be explained in the sequel ;)

And, with that I want to thank all of you for the support you have granted me. I know I am not a great writer,  but despite that you  have managed to be so kind with your votes and comments.

Love you x


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