Capítulo Diez: "... do this for me"

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Reminder: This is but a short story. Nothing has been edited yet.

Out of all the things that could have possibly occurred, this was the last thing I had expected. My mind is buzzing with a fury of incorrigible thoughts, raising my rage to an all-time high. My hands are balled into fists at my sides, the urge to punch something- or rather someone- slowly winning as my knuckles turn red from the abrupt force. My lips are pursed in anger, frenzied breaths released instead from my nose. I keep my eyes shut, trying to ease the storm that is surely to blow sooner rather than later.

"Elizabeth, we have to go." Jason whispers lowly into my ear, "My men will take care of this."

Jason makes an attempt to lead me inside, but I manage to free myself from his grip. He stares back with wide eyes, surprised at my act.

"No, Jason." I seethe, creating distance between us, "I will not go anywhere with you until you explain what the hell you are involved in!"

"Sweetheart, I will just please get inside the jet." He begs, staring frequently between Ryder and I.

I hold my stance, not moving an inch much to his dismay. I stare at him dejectedly, my lips trembling as a sob fights to break through. He attempts to caress my face, but I pull away in sorrow.

"Darling, you and I both know he will only continue lying to you." Ryder yells, his gun remaining pointed on Jason himself. "Do not step into the jet with him."

"Shut up! Okay, just shut up." I respond frantically, my arms waving hysterically, "You have nothing to say when you did just the same as he did."

"I may have lied to you, darling, but it was solely for your protection." He states, a sheepish smile on his face. "Jason, however, only did so for the wrong reasons."

Voices are heard from the radio placed on the belt adorning his waist. Ryder looks towards it, placing his gun down momentarily as he speaks to the person on the opposite side. He looks towards me briefly, nodding his head as he agrees with the orders given.

Taking advantage of the situation, Jason pulls me inside the jet, slamming the door instantly. I struggle within his arms, fighting to break from his hold.

"Please, sweetheart, I'm begging you to stop." Jason stands before me, desperately trying to stop my hits directed at him. His eyes are frantic, worry present in the expression he holds as the result of the situation at hand.

I allow him to take hold of my hands as I, finally, come to a stop. Shots can be heard from outside, no doubt a bloody exchange taking place outside.

"Hey, look at me." Jason holds my face in his hands, staring deeply into my eyes. "Ignore the sounds and focus on me, sweetheart."

I slap his hands away from me, knowing that I am experiencing this chaos all due to him. If only he had listened to me those months ago when I asked- no pleaded- for him to leave the gang aside and seek a better life, but he refused. Surely, we could have been happier and under different circumstances than those in the present.

Despite all the hurt inside me, I still loved Jason- pitiful, I know. For this reason, I had to help him in the best way I could possible.

"Jason, I'm not sure what you did," I take his face in my hands, tears falling from both our eyes, "But, if you love me as much as you say you do, please just turn yourself in."

"Sweetheart, I am irrevocably in love with you-

"Then do this for me, please." I plead one final time, sobs following soon after.

He lifts his hands to my face, wiping the tears staining my face. Staring deeply into my eyes, he places his lips on mine for what could possibly be the last time in a while. I pull him into an embrace, cherishing the warmth of his body.

"I promise you, sweetheart, I will explain everything to you." He assures me, "I am not guilty of everything they accuse me off. Yes, I am guilty of taking part in some gang related activities, but nothing else. The police- or whatever they claim to be- do not have all their facts straight as they say they do. I will make everything right and change for you, sweetheart. I am deeply in love with you and for you- just for you- I will do this."

I nod my head slowly, the words slowly processing. He removes the necklace- one that he treasured given it previously belonged to his mother- and places it in my hand.

"I want you to have this," He states, "Let be a symbol of my love and promise to you."

I smile sincerely as he places a chaste kiss on my forehead, enveloping me in his arms tightly. He wipes the tears of his face, taking a second to breathe before he opens the door of the jet.

"I love you, sweetheart," He whispers, only for me to hear.

"I love you too, Jason Boggs." I utter as the tears begin to flow once more.


And, that is that! We didn't reach my goal, but I was too excited with the fact that not only I reached 1k votes, but that I won second place in Cappuccino's 'Riley's Tale On The Opposite Gender' One Shot Competition. Go check it out in my profile if you would like to.And, thank you so so much for the support and constant love you have given me. I love you all x

Some of you have been asking for a sequel to this, so I have a question for you all. Do you want a sequel with Ryder/Jason or a prequel with just Jason? Let me know in the comments below. If I do follow through, it will be a lot longer than this short story. This only has about two chapters left.

If you enjoyed this, please vote for this story or simple leave a genuine comment. It truly does mean a lot to me.

Also, if you manage to get this to 300 votes, I will update sooner. I'm sure you can achieve that by simply going back and voting on those you haven't done so or my silent readers stepping up.

Lots of Love x

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