Capítulo Once: "Is it really you?"

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I remain inside the jet.

My heart would not be able to take seeing Jason so vulnerable, so insubstantial in such a compromising position. I wanted my last memory of his to be a beautiful one not something as wretched as the one occurring outside that door.

I open my palm, the necklace shining brightly in my hand. I raise it to my lips, kissing it lightly as the tears begin to fall. Hearing the commotion die down from the outside, I wipe my tears away, knowing someone will reach me any moment. I untangle the necklace in my hand and place it around my neck.

The door opens beside me, the bright light from the sun blinding me momentarily. My eyes blink repeatedly under reflex, attempting to adjust to the light. I turn my face in the opposite direction as the door is pulled shut, relieving my struggle.

“You alright?” Ryder asks as he sits in the open seat before me.

I refuse to meet his gaze.

Part of me is angry at him for taking Jason from me, but I know the person who holds major part in that is Jason himself for being so reckless and stupid for getting involved in the matters he did. However, the other part of me is thankful to him for taking him out of those same matters that drowned him whole.

“Absolutely splendid,” I respond with as much sarcasm as I can manage at a time like this.

He reaches his hand out to me as an act of comfort, but I pull away instantly. I clamp my teeth together, taking a breath through my nose in order to resist the urge of confronting the officer- that’s all he was in my eyes now- before me.

“I need you to take you down to the department,” He states with remorse, “There’s some questions we need to ask you.”

“Of course you do,” I seethe, my hand reveling in the process of clenching and unclenching at my sides.

“Look, I really-

I stand up, choosing to no longer be near his presence. I walk towards the door, pushing it open so that may walk down the steps. I turn to face Ryder and bitterly state, “I would prefer you not speak to me, officer.”

“Don’t be –

“Did you not understand me, sir?” I interrupt with the upmost rage, “Or do I have to have a conversation with your superior?”

He remains silent the rest of the trip.

A man opens a door to a black car for me to enter. I step inside, refusing to accept any help offered to me from any person around.

My mind remains blank from that point forth. I do not remember how long the trip took, what path we took, or anything on that matter. I refused to allow my mind to wander off into thoughts that would only break me further.

A door is opened to my side, only to reveal Ryder. I stay in place, paying him no notice. By this point, he is very much aware of the hate I hold for him.

Annoyed, he states, “Follow me.”

I release a scoff, “As if I am given a choice.”

Ryder leads me to what I assume is an interrogation room. There is a silver table in the middle with one chair on each side. A mirror-or so it seems- adorns a wall behind where Ryder sits, but I know better. I have seen way too many programs to know there are other officers watching us from the other side and listening the words being spoken.

I sit in the chair.

Ryder places a file on the table and begins to look through it. His lips are pursed, an eyebrow raised as he focuses greatly on the words written. He looks up and offers me a sympathetic smile.

“Alright, let’s –

The door to the side is opened once more. A pair of officers steps inside, looking around frantically as a cry for help.

“Where is my daughter?” A man approaching bellows, “I demand to see my daughter.”

The man stops once he lays eyes on me.

He looks familiar. Not only because he happens to be the mayor of some town in New York, but because the man before me – at least the younger version of him- happens to in several pictures of ours at home.

“Elizabeth, dear.”  He smiles happily, “Is it really you?”

I watch the tears drop from his eyes. Immediately, I wonder if this man is okay. Yet, it intrigues me more to know his purpose for being here, “Who are you?”

“I am your father”, he states, the words catching me by surprise.


I'm not even going to try to apologize this time. I am absolutely awful when it comes to updating frequently, but I can promise I really do try my hardest to do so.

This chapter was rather short, but I found it necessary to cut it off there. Only two chapters left for this to be done.

I still haven't decided what I'm writing after this, so please give me your opinion.

(1) Prequel with Jason


(2) Sequel with Ryder/Jason

And, I want to take this time to thank every single one of you for being so patient and supportive of my works. It means alot to me. Feel free to leave a comment or vote, if you enjoyed.

Lots of love,


P.S. For those of you that read my other stories , which would you want me to update the most this week.


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