Capítulo Nueve: "We're heading back home, sweetheart."

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Reminder: This is but a short story. Nothing has been edited. I will go back and do that once it is complete. Other than that, this format is intended. Enjoy x

My arms wrap themselves around Jason instinctively. A sigh of relief escapes my lips at the realization that I am finally in the arms of the person I love. It may have taken long to figure out, but it no longer matters, seeing as I am now where I belong.

Jason takes me gently into his arms, holding onto me with a passionate, aching emotion. He nestles his face into my neck, digging his nose deep as he inhales the familiarity of my scent- whatever it may be. It may sound odd to some, but it is a habit I am long accustomed to and have since treasured.

He parts from me briefly, cradling my face in his hands as he observes me fully for any visible harm. Once he is satisfied with the results, a huge smile appears on his face as he caresses me gently and lovingly. He pulls me close, placing his lips on mine as he has done many times before.

The kiss is desperate, yet gentle. It has been long from the time when we last shared a kiss, but it feels as if we were never apart in the first place. My arms move towards his neck, pulling him closer as I part my lips to grant him access. He slips his tongue in slowly, yet teasingly taking the moment to explore the inside of my mouth, making up for last time. My back meets a wall as Jason presses his body to mine, leaving no space in between. He places a final peck on my lips before pulling away.

"You're safe now, sweetheart." He places his forehead against mine, staring deep into my eyes before embracing me in his arms once more.

He looks back, sending a signal to some of his men that I failed to notice around us before. I blush slightly realizing they had noticed the exchange that had taken place minutes before. Taking notice of my flushed cheeks, Jason chuckles lightly at my embarrassment, shaking his head in amusement.

Placing a hand on my lower back, he leads me towards the car that awaits us.

Jason steps into the seat beside me, wrapping his fingers around my own. He mumbles something to his driver before we take off into the night.

Minutes into the drive, my eyes slowly begin to close; taking me into a deep sleep that is long overdue.


A soft nudge awakes me. I open my eyes slowly, adjusting to the light reflecting off the sun. I look to my side and find Jason smiling down on me.

"Good morning, sweetheart." Jason places a soft kiss on my lips, "We're here."

I take in my surroundings, noticing we appear to be at an airport. I turn to Jason, my eyebrows scrunching in confusion.

"We're heading back home, sweetheart." He helps me off the car, leading me to a small jet.

"How did you manage this at such a last minute?" Curiosity gets the best of me, wondering how exactly someone could easily afford such a luxury.

I am aware of what Jason does, but I doubt such things can bring him a huge amount of money. Clearly, there is a lot more that I am not aware of.

The door to the jet is pulled down, the stairs immediately coming into sight. Two burly men with shades upon their noses step off, smirking attentively at Jason. I watch as they bow to Jason as a sign of respect, the act catching me by utter surprise.

As Jason leads me up the stairs, an array of black cars comes into sight, surrounding the jet entirely. A large SUV pulls closer to us, the door immediately thrown open. The following cars open soon after, dressed officers stepping down with guns pointed in our direction.

A familiar boy steps out of the car nearest to us, my jaw dropping completely. His shades are removed from his face, his eyes staring directly at me in glee.

"Jason Boggs, step away from the girl."

"Under whose orders, Ryder?" Jason scowls, fear slowly consuming his face.

"Need I remind you I work for the law," Ryder looks at me carefully, waiting for a reaction.

And, a reaction is what he got.


And, there it is! I am so happy to have finally written that even though it is short. Saddened to say that this has around three chapters left. There is a major plot twist coming on. I bet you guys can't guess what it is. Depending on the response, I'll decide on a sequel or not.

Anyways, I had the blessing to see One Direction all three days at the Rose Bowl and got a bit sidetracked. That being said, post concert depression is tough, my friends. The fact that you see them in the flesh before your eyes and then it is all over does things to you, bro. Regardless , 5Sauce, Jamie Scott, and the boys were all bloody amazing. Definitely go see them if you can.

If you like this go ahead and give this a vote. Or feel free to leave a comment, as well.

P.S. If you get this to 250+ votes, I will update soon.

(This was awful I admit. Not exactly proud, but what can I do.)

Thanks x


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