Why can't I get him out of my head!!

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Your alarm went off and you didn't want to wake up because all night you kept thinking about what Jungkook said to you. But you knew that you had to get up before you get in trouble.

As the usual mornings you went to all of your classes. It was time for lunch then you see Arum waving at you with Hoseok. 

You guys were eating lunch by a tree. Hoseok patted on your shoulder saying "So you confessed your love to kookie yesterday right!"

You were shocked that you spit your juice you were drinking. "W-what how did you know?!" You said.

"I'm really good friends with kookie in fact we have a group called the Bangton Boys but you can just call us BTS." Hoesok replies.

You turned your head down remembering what Jungkook said to you then you said " Yeah I did confessed to him but it didn't go well."

Hoseok looked at you and said "Goodness that Jungkook kills me, he really shouldn't have rejected a nice, smart, beautiful girl like you!"

You smiled and said thanks then you and your friends started to talk about a different subject.

After school you went to the class to help out with the stuff for the carnival. The class rep saw you and said "hey (Y/N) just want to ask you if you can hang these decorations in the hallways and also your partner is going to be always Jungkook."

You were feeling down again because you wanted to forget about Jungkook, but now he is your partner for all of the decorations you have to set up.

As you and Jungkook were setting the decorations, you just stood there in silence while giving Jungkook the decorations to hang up.

"What's wrong?" Jungkook asked.

You didn't look at him and replied "nothing."

Jungkook looked at you then continued hanging up the decorations.

When you went home you laid on your bed talking to Bella on the phone.

" (Y/N) how did the whole decorating stuff go?" Bella asked.

"It went well but I could stand the fact that I was with Jungkook and we didn't even said a word to each other." You said back.

"I know it's tough going through a breakdown." Bella said.

"I'm not going through a breakdown I was just not having a good day today." You replied.

"Hmm sure, okay well I have to go I'll see you tomorrow, bye love ya (Y/N)." Bella said.

"Okay see you tomorrow love ya too." You replied.

After the talk you decided to sleep because you were really tired from all the studying you did.

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