The Fist Kiss

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It was Friday. You and your friends decided to go to karaoke after school. You were so excited to show them a new song you learned.

It was 2:30 p.m and you decided to take a shower. You looked through your closet to see what you would wear. You found a cute pink dress with a yellow sweater. You got on your phone to text Arum.

You: Yes I'm soooooo ready for this!!
Arum: Ha okay we are inviting someone else too btw...
You: Who?
Arum: will see :)
You: Okay we'll see you there bye!
Arum: Okay bye! BE READY TO HAVE FUN!!

It was 3:30 p.m and Arum just picked you up from your house and you spotted Hoseok driving and Arum sitting next to him.

You guys drove to a Karaoke. When you got there you spotted Jungkook and his friends in the same room. You quickly look at Arum in confusion. She pulled you aside and said "I know that you are going through the breakdown of getting rejected by your crush, but Hoseok thought it would be a good idea for us to bond together."

You didn't like the fact that you have to bond with Jungkook, but you just dealt with and tried to stay away from Jungkook.

Everyone was having a good time. You and Arum sang the new song you learned and Bella did a lot of solos. You decided to take a break and get some tea. While Hoseok and Arum were singing "Go Go" you turned to Bella to say what you were going to do.

As you went to get your drink, you heard a door open  behind you. You turned around and saw that Jungkook was behind you. You kept walking as if nothing happened. Both of you walked to a soda machine. You both got tea.

Jungkook looks at you and then said "hm the idiot got the same thing I got huh?"

You just stood there and then thought in your head. You have had enough of this. You were mad that he said all of those things to you. You clenched your fist and yelled out loud "You know what, I have had enough of this. I don't like the way you are talking to me! I am going to try to forget you now! I hate you Jungkook I ha-"

Jungkook pushes you against the wall and leaned close to you. He leans his head against yours then he presses his soft lips against yours. Your eyes widen as you feel your lips with his.

When he parted from you, he gave out a little smirk. "I would like to see try to forget me" he whispers in your ear. He went  back to the room and you were left behind in shocked. You put your hand on your mouth and felt your face getting hot.

You went back to the room, you sat next to Bella. Jungkook sitting at his spot and giving out a little smirk. You were uncomfortable so you decided to go home.

"Hey it's getting late I'm going to start heading home."

"Awe really! We were having fun with everyone!" Hoseok said sadly.

"Dang it (Y/N) you always do this...heh fine I'll take you home" Bella said.

"N-No it's fine I'll take the bus you guys continue to have fun I'll see you guys on Monday." You replied

You sat next to the window and leaned your head against it. You couldn't stop thinking what happened with Jungkook. You were really tired then you slowly closed your eyes. You fell asleep in the bus.


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