The Bracelet

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As class was going on you were feeling a little sleepy. You suddenly opened your eyes and thought of something to distract you. You were playing with your bracelet that your mother gave you for your birthday. Now that you were looking at the bracelet you started to remember when you were with your mother.

2 years ago...
You just turned 15 and you were going home. You opened the door and then saw your mother coming up to you. "Happy birthday (Y/N)!" Your mother said.

She gave you a hug and slipped a little box in your hand. You looked at the little box and looked up to your mother. She smiled and said "Open it".

You smiled back and opened the little box. You saw a sparkling pink bracelet in the box waiting for you to take out.

"Thank you Mom!" You ran up to her and hugged in excitement. Your mother took out the bracelet and put it on your wrist. You smiled so brightly.

2 months later...
It was Friday and you suddenly got called to the office. You saw your father waiting for you in the office. You thought it was odd that your father is here to see you because your parents got divorced one year ago.

"What's up dad why are you here?" You asked confused. He looked at you in sadness.

"I'm here to take you to the hospital to see your mother" he replied. You were shocked at what your father had said.

Once you arrived at the hospital you quickly ran to the room your mother was in. You ran through the door and saw your mother looking so pale and she saw you. She smiled weakly and called your name.

You sat next to her and she put her hand on your cheek. "M-Mom what's wrong?" You asked as tears slowly started to fill your eyes.

"I-I'm sorry but mamma's very sick and I don't have much longer. Im sorry that I haven't told you about my sickness and I am sorry that I can't watch you grow up anymore. Please stay well at school and have a good future with your future husband. I want you to start a family and also don't forget about me. I love you (Y/N), I love you very much." She slowly started to close her eyes and her hand slowly fell down.

"MOM PLEASE DON'T LEAVE!! STAY WITH ME PLEASE MOM, STAY!! I LOVE YOU MOM DON'T LEAVE ME!" You screamed and tears rolled down your face and you laid your head on her lap. "Mom please stay with me..." you cried on her lap.

The doctors quickly came in and your father started to pull you away. As you were being pulled away you saw the doctors doing stuff on your mother and you couldn't watch anymore. You hugged your father and cried so much.

You couldn't believe your mother died in front of you and you wanted to die as well. You both had amazing memories with each other.

One year later you moved in with your father. You hated it. Your father and his new wife kept constantly fighting and you had enough of it. You were 16 and decided to move to an apartment on your own.

As you were laying on your bed from your new room you felt a strange object on your hand. You looked at it and saw the bracelet your mother gave you for your birthday. You smiled and felt tears roll down your cheek.
End of flashback...
School was finally over and you wanted to go straight home. Left the bracket on your desk and put your books in your bag and tried to avoid Jungkook's fangirls coming to crowd your way. Jungkook sat next to you and everyday it's crowded because of his fangirls. You left finally.

Jungkook's POV:
I was getting annoyed with all of the girls crowding me. I turned around and saw a pink bracelet on (Y/N) desk. "Oh she forgot her bracelet" I mumbled to myself. I grabbed it and put it in my pocket.

I walked home and remembered that (Y/N) lives here too. How about we hang out today? She wouldn't mind would she? Well it's better to try.

I knocked on her door and she looked at me confused. "What do you want?" She asked.

"Just wanted to know if you wanted to put out you know like hang out." I replied. She looked at me for a second and then replied with an "Okay" and slammed the door right in my face. Woah okay thanks.

(Y/N) POV:
Great now I have to "Hang out" with Jungkook. I felt my phone vibrate and looked at the Caller ID and saw the text was from Jungkook.

Jk😑: "I'll pick you up at 5 😊"

You: " okay but DONT BE LATE!"

Jk😑: " I won't I promise"

You: "Okay see you later"

I looked at the time it's 3 o'clock. Okay I have time to shower and get ready.

I got ready and thought about the bracelet. I can't forget about it. I looked on my bed, but it wasn't there. "What? Why isn't it here?" I said to myself. I looked everywhere for it but I couldn't find it.

"NO I CAN'T LOOSE IT!" I yelled.

I heard the door being knocked. I opened it and saw Jungkook outside waiting. I looked at the time. ITS ALREADY 5!! WHAT THE HECK!

Jungkook took you to an arcade. I LOVE ARCADES! As we were playing games I beat Jungkook in some games. We both had a lot of fun.

We both went out of the arcade place and saw it was already dark. Have we really been here for a long time. Shoot it feels like we've only been here for like 35 minuets. Time flies by really fast.

Jungkook and I went to go eat. We had ramen. I didn't really care what we ate I was just hungry. As we walked out of the shop Jungkook grabbed my arm and lead me aside.

"Hey I have something to give you." He said. I was shocked. What does he want to give me. Why? "Give me your arm" he continued.

"Okay?" I said confused.

"Close your eyes." He commands

"Fine" I sighed then closed my eyes. I felt him touch my arm and pulled it close to him. Then I felt something slipping through my hand and into my arm.

"Okay open" I heard him say. I slowly opened my arms and saw a bright pink bracelet on my arm. I began to cry.

Jungkook POV:
I gave (Y/N) her bracelet and she began to cry. Why? Is there any meaning into the bracelet. "You left it on your desk yesterday." I told her.

She smiled as she was looking at it. "My mother gave it to me on my 15th birthday before she passed away" she said. Wow I can't believe it. She has loved her mother so much. She had suffered a lot.

She looked at me and gave me the biggest cutest smile ever. "Thank you Jungkook it means a lot to me" she said. I don't know why but my heart started to beat faster and I blushed. She is so cute when she smiles.

We finally went home and I layed in my bed and kept thinking about her smile. I chuckled at the thought of her. I.......falling for her?

SORRY FOR THE CHAPTER BEING TOO LONG I GOT TOO CARRIED AWAY! And plus I was about to cry while I was writing to sad part of the story because I was listening to spring day and writing at the same time!! Hope you guys enjoyed it!! UNEDITED😂!!

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