Eat My Cookie: A Valentine's Special

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Natt's POV:

My heart drops...there he is. A rollercoaster of emotions causes adrenaline to shoot through my veins. Should I tell him? Confess my undying love?'s too soon. I watch the angelic way that he walks into the office and how he gracefully trips and hits his head on his desk. He's perfect.

"Hello Darling" I walk over to him and help him up embracing him like a mother embraces their child at a playground after they fall off their bike on a hot Summer's day...


"Shhhhh it's okay. Mommy's got you"


He pushed me away...with his masculine, practiced grip. I tumble to the ground and my eyes water profusely. Tears hit the ground, scattering like little oceans. I peer up as he stands tall above me, his body like a temple, as if he were the empire state building. His eyes are high up like the sun, they shine beautiful but dently. What I do next is the only proper thing to do in this situation...

"I...I have to go make some lasagna." The words stumble out of my mouth and I scramble away desperately.

He will love me. One way or another. He has to...

Ansel's POV:

Oh no...what have I done! Pushing him away like that...sheilding my emotions....I'm a real piece of shit aren't I? Now his heart will never open up to my ass. Maybe I can fix this...I know just the thing.

I open the oven, like my ass cheeks, and a perfectionate heart-shaped lasagna lies in the pan. This should do the trick.

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