Your LEG???!!

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Ansel pov:

Daddy was choking me, just as we were interrupted by a knock at the door....
"KeEp iT DOOoOooOowNNN"
Wat the fu-
"Ugh it's my crackhead neighbor, Jane the crackhead. Guess she's back from rehab. Real nice girl."
My blood boils at his words.
Nice girl... oof
Nattie takes off my collar and walks to the door, as I trail him like a coyote hunting an innocent fluffy fleshy bunny rabbit. He proceeds to open the reveal this nice girl.
"Hey sorry, Jane. Oh I see your ankle bracelet is off. AND you got your kids back. Hi little Jonnie. How are you, Marissa? Good day, Colby. How lovely to see you Sharpie. You've grown so much, Todd. That's a great haircut, Tyrone....but someone's missing...where's Shaniqua?"
"Her father took her. Like everything else he takes from me. My child support, my house, my silverware, my leg....what else?"
"Your LEG????!!!" he looks down at her prosthetic leg.
"That's new." He adds.
Suddenly I feel faint.
"Ayyyiaaaaaadaddyyyy" I shout as my eyes roll back and everything goes black.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2019 ⏰

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