Chapter 8: Not Home Yet?

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Yn still isn't home and I'm not understanding why. I didn't drop her off to far from the house it was only about a good 4 blocks. She isn't even answering my phone calls. I wonder where the h*ll she is. I hope she didn't run away because her parents will kill me if I lost Yn. She better answer my text message.
Text Convo:

Me: Yn. Where are you?

Babe ✊: I'll be home when I am home stop worrying because you weren't worried when you left me

Me:Ugh! Come on Yn!

Babe ✊:I'll come home later

Me: Yn this is serious

Babe ✊:It sure is!

Me: Don't do this!

Babe ✊:Whatever Jacob

Me: Yn you better be here at 9:00!

Babe ✊: Whatever you say!

Text Convo Over

I wish she'd stop playing games because I'm truly worried. I don't want her to get hurt because then what will her parents, Kari, and I do. (I know I've been spelling Kari's name as Karee sorry if I confused you). Kari came rushing into the kitchen smiling at me. This is a SURPRISE because he should be mad. He is carrying 2 things which are his baby blanket and his old teddy bear from when he was maybe 8 or 9 months old.
"Kari what are you doing?" I asks
"Nothing. Is mommy here I need to ask her something?" He crooks his head sideways
"Um no she'll be here soon" I lie
"Well when she gets here tell her I need her" He smiles
"I will" I nod
He runs off into his the living room laughing as I shake my head. Yn needs to come home because Kari will miss her and miss her until she does come home and I'll be lying to this boy forever.


Vinny and I were so busy laughing I forgot to tell him where I live so here we are sitting in the middle of no where talking about nothing. He seems cool, calm, and collected so I guess we could be friends. After all he did help me even after I tried to basically call him a rapist. I told him mostly about Kari and he seems pretty interested in meeting him. I just hope it's for good reasons because if I find out he is touching my baby I'll kill him I promise.
"So uh why did he leave you on the side of the road?" Vinny asks
"Because well he was angry because I was joking with my cousin. He never asked who it was though he just jumped to conclusions" I shrug
"Dang he sounds messed up. Well since I have your number I'll text you or call you maybe even FaceTime. So what's your address so I can take you home?" He smiles
"6843 Freedom street" I smile
When I walk through the front door smiling hard and happier than ever. It's about 10 o'clock PM and Jacob is sitting on the couch looking angry. I roll my eyes and smile slowly making my way up the stairs. Once upstairs I undress and turn the shower water on. It's slightly hot and I am now stepping in.
I run my hands through my hair and begin to wash until I hear the bathroom door open. I smile to myself because I know this game Zoe tells me about Roc doing it all of the time. I never knew Princeton to be someone to do these things.
I wake up a little in pain laying next to Jacob. His breathes are silent but his heart beats very steadily. After last night I'm sure he isn't mad. I smile to myself easing out of bed and walking over to the closet. I find Jacob's favorite shirt and put it on without thinking twice. Just then I hear my phone ring and I look over to see Vinny is trying to FaceTime me.
I quickly rush over to my phone and press 'Answer'. Seconds later Vinny big bright smile appears on my screen. He isn't wearing a shirt and all I have on is a huge light blue and dark blue bob marley shirt, and lace panties but I don't think he can see it. I smile as he smiles at me.
"Good morning beautiful" He smiles
"Good Morning Vinny" I blush
"So where's Kari?" He asks
"I'm not sure. He might still be in his room asleep" I smile
I walk slowly down the hallway and around the corner. Kari's room is right there the light is on and he is inside talking to himself. I smile as I open the door and when he sees me he lights up.
"Mommy!! Mommy!! Mommy!!" He giggles
"Hi Riri!. Mommy missed you!!" I smile
"Where were you?" He asks
"Mommy went to hang out with Uncle Vinny" I laugh
"Oh ok" He laughs
I look at the camera and Vinny is still smiling so I stand and face the camera towards Kari and I see Vinny smiling. Kari sits on his bed and lays down. He starts to doze off slowly and I laugh to myself.
"We'll that's Kari" I smile
"He's cute I guess. He looks like you" Vinny smiles
"Anyways. We should hang out today. Kari, Jacob, You, and I" I smile
"Ok see you around 2 or 3" He smiles
"Yeah see you." I smile and we hang up.

Sorry it was short...I wanted to do a quick update...Sorry for any mistakes...

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