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Check Out My New Story ! It's called No Love , I might do a cast call for it I'm not really sure yet what's in store for that book. It's not really going in any specific direction right now. I want to also write a The Real Her part three but I'll probably get around to that when school is over for the year. I'm going to be quitting Wattpad really soon so I'm not sure how much longer I'll be writing on here. For everyone that's been through this journey with me Thank You for all of your Support I truly LOVE all of my fans and I appreciate everything single one of you for loving me and my stories ❤️ ..
No Love Currently has 4 chapters . More coming soon so please go to my page and just check it out baby's
P.S. if you'd like to know more about me as a person I'll be starting a YouTube channel in the next week or two as soon as I get myself together . If anyone is interested I'll be sure to give you guys my Channel name ❤️

The Real Her (Yn & Princeton love story)Where stories live. Discover now