Chapter Three

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Every time I look in her eyes, I see love. No hatred, no hurt. Just love. I smiled when she opened her eyes and put an arm around me, pulling me close. 

"Morning, how'd you sleep?" Alex ran her fingers through my hair.

"Considering we both slept on a couch that barely fits one person, fairly well." I joked. "How's your sister?" We both looked into Kara's room where she was still sleeping.

"Asleep apparently." Until we heard a scream. I scrambled over Alex, who ran with me into Kara's room. She was still sleeping soundly, well, almost. She was now awake because of the scream.

"Who..." She looked up at us. "Uh... what happened? Why are you guys here?"

"Nothing you should worry about." Alex sat at her side. "Y/N..." She gave me a look that I recognised as 'go find whoever screamed'. I nodded and left, trying to find any sign of terror outside. I followed the sound of yelling and came across a crowd surrounding a woman who was being attacked by a group of aliens. I grinned, remembering Kara telling me about how she and Lena met.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by another scream as what looked like the lead alien grabbed the woman's collar. I ran through the crowd, grabbing my ring out of my pocket. I prayed that it still worked after all these years and I willed myself to have enough strength to take down these guys. Luckily, the ring worked and when I hit one of the aliens in the face, he dropped to the floor, holding his jaw.

Smiling, I fought off all of the other aliens but I struggled with the head one. I sighed when he grabbed the poor woman again, holding her by the neck. This was one situation I was going to struggle to get out of.

"Make one move and I crush her skinny little neck." I stayed completely still, one hand behind my back, trying to think of the right combination of thoughts for a certain move that my ring could do. After a few tries, a sword appeared in my hand. I swung it at him, careful to make sure the woman wasn't harmed. He grabbed his arm where I had cut it and dropped the woman.

"You're safe now, Miss." I knelt down next to her and smiled, realising who it was. "Cat Grant. What a surprise." I retorted sarcastically.

"Y/N. It's been a while since you used that beauty." I helped her up and shook my head, grinning like an idiot.

"It's good to see you too." She pulled me in for a hug. "Where have you been lately?"

"Nowhere. I was on my way to Catco but I got... interrupted." She gestured to the men on the ground. "Let's get somewhere where there aren't men trying to kill me for no reason."

"Why don't we go to Kara's. I heard that you two became quite close before you left."

"It's early in the morning, she might not be awa..." She stopped, looking up at me. "Y/N... how do you know Kara?"

"We have been friends for a few years." I grabbed Cat's hand and closed my eyes. The next thing I knew, we were back at Kara's apartment.

"I'm never going to get used to that."

Kara, Cat, Alex and I were all sitting at the dinner table that evening. Kara and Cat were unusually quiet. I motioned for Alex to talk so that any conversation would happen and we would no longer be in this awkward trance.

"So, Y/N. When were you planning on telling us about that ring of yours?" She smiled and Kara looked up at me with a puzzled look. 

"I never thought I would use it again. The last time I did, Cat nearly got thrown off a bridge." Cat laughed but Alex and Kara just looked at each other. Kara laughed after a second but Alex just stared at me. 

"You never thought you would use it again?" She repeated with anger in her tone. Cat sunk in her chair and Kara just stayed silent. They both obviously could tell what was going to happen.

"Al..." I started, unsure of how I would get myself out of this. "I uh..."

"You don't have anything to say for yourself? Don't you understand that this is one of those things that the DEO needs to know? How do I trust you now if you have been hiding this from me?"

"Guys, please don't..."

"Kara, shut up." Alex snapped and then walked to the door of the apartment. I stood and followed her to the hallway that's just outside. "How could you?"

"Alex, you have to understand. I didn't think it was necessary."

"Not necessary to let me know that you are basically a real-life Green Lantern?" She scoffed at my silence and walked back into the apartment. Cat and Kara were still staring at us. "I'm going to go. I'll see you at the DEO later tonight, Kara."

"Yeah, I'll be there." She muttered as Alex stormed back out of the apartment. I sighed and sat down on the couch. Cat knelt down in front of me and put a hand on my knee.

"That went well." She retorted.

I paced the halls of the DEO, unable to walk back to where everyone was. My heart was racing and I felt like I couldn't breathe. Everything had happened so fast and I was about to lose the person who had been there since I moved to America.

"Y/N?" I turned to Alex, who I hadn't realised had been standing there. Her eyes were red and puffy, probably from crying. "I'm so sorry for yelling at you last night. It was wrong of me to react like that and I should have treated you better."

"It's okay. I was in the wrong but I'll take the apology." I joked. She giggled and grabbed my arms, pulling me in for a hug. We walked to the DEO headquarters where Lena was sitting, staring at the ground. I leant over and whispered to Alex. "Did you guys find Kara?"

"Yeah, J'onn is bringing her back now. She had an episode just before she got taken, it's on the security tapes. She was starting to freak out when a guy grabbed her from behind. We identified the guy pretty easily... well... Lena did." At the mention of her name, she looked up and whispered a name but it was too quiet so I knelt down in front of her and grabbed her hand.

"Who?" I asked. She whispered again but this time I could make out the words she said and my heart dropped.

"It was Lex."

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