Chapter Nine

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"It's over." Kara smiled, turning off the TV. "How did you like the first season?"

"That was only the first season? It felt like the entire series of Dr Who!" Lena laughed.

"Just because Game of Thrones has a lot of characters and a complex plot doesn't mean you can compare it to that masterpiece." Kara smiled. "Dr Who is perfect, Game of Thrones sucks."

"Just because you're obsessed with Dr Who doesn't mean you can bag Game of Thrones." I giggled, Kara smirked again and stuck out her tongue at me. I figured now was the time to change the subject. "I am in need of more wine!"

"I'll get it." Kara stood and grabbed the glasses, taking them to the kitchen. I turned to Lena, who was still laughing about our little discussion.

"Lena, when do you think the next one will be?" I gulped waiting for the answer.

"Soon, I wish it would just happen and be over already. They are getting closer together so it should be very soon." Our wishes were fulfilled when we heard a smash from the kitchen. I stood and ran to Kara's side, she looked up at us with a very different look in her eyes and then stood, brushing the broken glass off her. "Are you okay?" Lena grabbed her hand.

"I'm fine, Lena. It was just a small attack, nothing really." Kara shrugged and pushed us out of the way gently. "I'll clean all of this up."

(Long Time Skip)

"Sorry, I'm late..." I whispered when I walked into Alex's apartment. Kara was sleeping on the couch and Alex was sitting at the dining table drinking what looked like vodka. "You should stay sober during your shifts."

"She's sleeping, and it's supposed to be Lena's shift but she's gone missing, so."

"Alex, you need to sleep. Let me take this shift and you can go to bed."

"I can't leave her, Y/N."

"I'll be right here with her. Just go get some rest, you earned it." This whole 'Let's takedown Supergirl' thing is really starting to get old. Now a new Villain called Daggar is searching for Kara and it's only a matter of time before he finds us holed up in Alex's apartment. Lena wasn't missing either, she was helping interrogate her brother. 

The bastard escaped and sent a message to someone and now the DEO has been compromised. Only one of their facilities is safe now but we won't risk hiding Kara there. Lex, J'onn, Lena and James are all under lockdown, mostly so nobody gets in but mainly so that Lex doesn't get out again.

"Y/N? When did you get here?" I looked up from my thoughts and saw that Kara was standing in front of me. "Are you okay?"

"I'm just..." I tried to think of a word that wouldn't make me sound weak but I couldn't. "I'm scared."

"Everything's going to be fine." Kara grabbed my hand and pulled me to the couch with her. I giggled when she shoved me onto the couch and sat down next to me. "Alex, me, Lena, we'll all be okay."

"But I won't."

(Flashback to just after the fight with Lex)

"Alex!" I yelled with a groan. "Get off me." She laughed playfully and pinned me to the ground.

"Not until you tell me what you told Kara!" She smirked. I tried to move but she had my hands held above my head while she was sitting on top of me.

"Nothing you should concern yourself with, love."

"Love? You're only like this when you have done something wrong!" Alex pulled away and I sat up.

"No, oh, no." I shook my head. I couldn't do it yet, I was so nervous. What if she said no? What if she didn't say anything at all? We really hadn't known each other that long, was it too soon to propose? After Maggie and Sara, was it okay to propose?

"What is it? Whatever it is, you can tell me." She raised one eyebrow and I put my hand in my pocket. The feeling of the velvet box on my hand made me even more nervous. I felt like with the amount I was sweating, my body would shrivel up soon.

"I..." With one hand holding one of hers, I quickly opened it and used my other hand to shove the box onto it. "Alex Danvers..." She looked down, a tear springing from her eye when she saw the box alone.

"Y/N..." I felt like my heart would stop. She was going to say no. She was going to reject me. I knew this would happen, it is my first relationship with a girl, I didn't know what I was feeling. It was my hormones, obviously. The last-minute decision that I would propose to Alex was just my own selfish drives, nothing more. "Yes."

"I knew you would say that. It's okay, I don't really mind." I shrugged. "I didn't expect you to say yes."

"Y/N. I said 'yes'." I looked up at her. That dopy grin got me every time so I kissed her on the lips.

"Oh, God, I thought you would say no," I said in between kisses.

"Never." She wrapped her arms around me. "I love you, Y/N."

(Still not present time but it's a small time skip)

"So you proposed to Alex." The eerie voice rang in my ears at night. I looked over at Alex and stood, using my ring's power to fly out the window to the roof. 

"I did what you asked. Then I'll leave her on the altar just... don't make me kill her too." I looked down, unable to look up at the figure threatening my entire life. 

"You won't leave her at the altar, Y/N." I looked up at her, taking a few steps back. "You will break Kara's heart too."

"How? Her heart is Lena, I told you that."

"Just after you and Alex get married, I will arrive at the reception where I will kill you in front of the Danvers sisters." I took a few most steps back, tripping over the edge. She ran to me and caught my collar. "You can't die yet, we still need to make the girls suffer."

"Yes, fine... just let me go."

"Hmm? I believe I told you to be more polite to me, Y/N. I am the mother of the only person you have ever loved."

"Yes, Mrs Danvers."

JUSTICE Alex X Reader (Female) (Third Book - Faked, Truth, Justice) (Supergirl)Where stories live. Discover now