Chapter Eight

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Back to Y/N POV and present day

Kara was struggling against Lex's grip, trying to get her neck away from the Kryptonite. Her small whimpers were the fuel for my anger and I charged at him, using my strength spell against him. He went flying backwards but his grip on Kara didn't loosen, if anything, it tightened. I saw her turn pale when he injected something into her neck. I screamed 'no while flying at him again, this time ripping the arm that was holding Kara off his suit.

He screamed and blood flowed out of where his arm had been. I discarded the limb and rushed to help Kara up. She groaned and put a hand on her neck. When she pulled it away it was covered in blood. She must have seen my horrified expression because she put a hand on my shoulder reassuringly. I nodded to let her know that I understood she would be okay and I stood, turning to Lex. The pure hatred in his eyes scared me half to death but I remained confident on the outside. I didn't know how he was still standing and fighting after losing one arm, and after some thought, I realised that I didn't really care.

"I am going to kill you!" He started yelling at the word 'kill' and he ran at me at the same time. I braced for his impact but it didn't happen. He stood tall in front of me and knocked me to the side, my right hand hitting the ground and bending in a strange way when it did. I heard a sickening crunch right before searing pain going up my arm. I held it close to my chest and stared up at Lex, who was trying to fight off a group of DEO agents. 

Kara lay on the ground with Alex kneeling next to her. I painfully crawled to them. Kara was telling Alex that she was okay. Alex was telling Kara not to move and that J'onn would be here soon. I tried to hide my probably broken wrist from them as I bent down to comfort Kara.

"I'll be okay." She croaked. "Everything will be..." She suddenly started hyperventilating and I knew what was happening. Alex immediately jumped into action, grabbing a needle out of her med kit. I used my good hand to hold Kara while she yelled for us to stop hurting her. I tried not to lose it, she was triggered because of Lex. She thought her sister and her best friend was hurting her because of Lex.

I swore under my breath that Lex would pay for hurting Kara like this. The first time and this time, which will be the last.

The DEO team hadn't taken down Lex by the time J'onn came to pick up Kara. So Alex and I stayed behind to help. I put my ring on my other hand, which wasn't broken, and I went back into battle. I figured it was now even, me with one broken arm and him now missing an arm because of me. The only reason he was taken down was that of Alex. 

"You hurt Kara!" Alex yelled and shot a bullet into Lex's shoulder. "Your sister's fiance!" She shot another one into Lex's leg and he screamed in pain. "You have no idea what she has been through lately." She muttered, shooting a bullet into Lex's arm, or where it was missing. "I am not going to kill you."

"Naw, why?" I groaned.

"Because he deserves a life worse than death. He deserves torture. Pain. Sorrow."

"Alex..." She looked at me with a look of anger in her eyes, very similar to how Kara gets in her states. "Don't. I know you're hurting about Maggie and Sam. I know he hurt Kara, trust me, I want revenge as much as you do. But think about what Kara would say if she were here."

"She would tell me to take the high road." Alex looked at me with tears in her eyes. "Thank you, Y/N."

"I love you," I said, immediately regretting my words when she stared at me.

"I... was always the first person to say that." She looked down, stepping closer to me. "I love you too."

"Can you guys get a room please?" I willed a dart from one of the agent's guns to be shot into his shoulder and because of my ring, it did. He fell unconscious and I turned back to Alex, pulling her in for a kiss.

"It's over?" I asked.

"It's over." She repeated.

But it wasn't.

JUSTICE Alex X Reader (Female) (Third Book - Faked, Truth, Justice) (Supergirl)Where stories live. Discover now