Chapter Four

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"Kara!" I yelled when J'onn carried a limp Supergirl in his arms as he landed on the balcony. "Is she..." I couldn't bring myself to even think of her in any pain, it made me sick to the stomach to think that Lex would do something like this.

"She's just unconscious because of the Kryptonite exposure. She's not hurt too badly." He nodded and I smiled, taking her in my arms. I took her to the Medbay and laid her on a bed under sunlamps. Apparently, she had woken up in my arms because she looked up and me before closing her eyes.

"Y/N..." She groaned. "You're really strong."

"Just rest, Kara." I kissed the back of her hand and left her and Lena alone. Alex had just relaxed into a chair at one of the computers so I walked to behind her and put my hands on her shoulders, massaging the knots that had formed from years of stress while working at the DEO.

"Thank you." She turned before I had finished. "You're the best." I couldn't stop the grin that formed on my face. "I love that smile."

"I love your smile." I leant down to kiss her but was interrupted by a cough behind me. I turned and froze when I realised we were in public and saw who had interrupted us. Alex giggled and stood. I followed her away from J'onn's and everyone else's eyes. "That was awkward..." I pushed Alex up against the wall and kissed down her neck.

"Y/N, stop." She cupped my face in her hands and pressed my lips to hers. Fireworks exploded throughout my entire body. "I don't want to go fast, okay?" Her eyes got glassy. "I want to take it slow. Every time I go fast with someone, it ends in heartache and I can't take any more of that."

"Sure thing." I kissed her once again on the lips before we got disrupted yet again. This time it was a scream coming from the Medbay, a familiar scream that made Alex dart out of the room.

"Get off me!" Kara was yelling at Lena, who was holding her down and trying to stop her from thrashing around too much. "Leave me alone!" She struck Lena across the face but Lena got up quickly to take care of her fiance. Luckily, Kara hadn't gotten her powers back from the Kryptonite.

"Alex..." I whispered. We were both staring, unable to move. Suddenly, I felt a rush of adrenaline so I used that to my advantage and I ran to help Lena. Alex made her way over to assist, grabbing a needle on the way. I was sceptical but I knew that Alex wouldn't intentionally hurt her sister.

Two minutes after we gave her the anesthetic, she calmed down and just lay there, her eyes glazed over and tears started falling. There weren't any other signs that she was crying except the silent tears falling down her cheeks. I looked up at Alex and Lena. Lena was sitting down, holding Kara's hand in both of hers and Alex was checking Kara for any injuries.

"What just happened?" I asked.

"That was the other episode. You know when I told you about how she has moments of anger and fear? That was the fear." Lena grabbed a cloth from a table beside her and cleaned the sweat from Kara's forehead. At her touch, Kara closed her eyes and whispered a 'Sorry' before becoming completely unconscious.

"She'll be okay," Alex said confidently. "There's just scratches and small bruises, nothing serious." I sighed with relief and took Alex's hand in mine to let her know everything will be okay.

"Alex?" I snuck into Alex's room. The DEO was on lockdown after what happened with Lex and Kara. We were supposed to be sleeping in the protection rooms as J'onn overheard Lex saying he would kill everyone Kara is close to. I worried that Alex wasn't safe, even at the DEO so I had to see her. I had to be with her. I got closer and put a hand on her shoulder. She sat up, put me in a choke hold and pressed a gun against my temple. "Ouch, Alex!"

"Y/N?" She flicked on the lamp and groaned. "Hasn't anyone told you not to sneak up on a DEO agent while she's sleeping?"

"Not until now."

"Nice save." She kissed me and then pulled me so we were both laying down on her bed. "So why are you here?" She put an arm under my neck and the other over my chest. I cuddled into her, feeling safe and warm in her embrace.

"I just wanted to see you."


Okay, before you say anything, I know it's a short chapter but they will get better, I promise. I am struggling to find the time to write on Wattpad and it's interfering with school work so I won't be uploading as much as usual. Whenever I do have time, I will. But for now, you'll just have to wait.

Please let me know what you think of this book because I can end it next chapter or keep going, it's really up to you guys. Seriously, tell me if I should keep going and make a massive book out of it or if it should just be a short-ish story... type... thing.

Warning, the next chapter has angst and probably a bit of fluff :)

Love you all!

JUSTICE Alex X Reader (Female) (Third Book - Faked, Truth, Justice) (Supergirl)Where stories live. Discover now