Chapter Five

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I shifted slightly on the bed, grabbing Alex's hand. I was laying on my side facing Alex and she was on her back, sleeping soundly. I could hear her soft breathing and slight snoring. She was embarrassed that she snored but I thought it was cute. I looked at the time on my watch. It was the usual time for me to wake up, 3:57 am. Work used to start at 5 so I would have to get up early, my body clock still hasn't recovered after two years. 

Last night, Alex convinced me to spend the night in her quarters. The small space we had on this single bed wasn't going to stop us, we had both somehow slept peacefully on a bed that was probably too small for one person, let alone two. Alex used the pillow while I slept with my head on her chest, somehow, it worked. I noticed that her eyes were fluttering. I had been laying here, thinking for hours.

"Good morning, Y/N. How long have you been awake?"

"Not long." I smiled, "Can we just lay here for a while?"

"Maybe..." She sat up and moved so she was on top of me. "Or we could..." I smiled when she leant down and kissed me.

"What happened to 'taking it slow'?" I kissed her back.

"If you want, I could go slow..." She moved down, kissing every inch of my skin that was showing until she reached my lower area. She giggled when I flinched at her touch.

"I'm fine with that but...." I started, unable to finish due to what Alex was doing.

Alex looked at me with a goofy grin while J'onn was trying to debrief us about a mission. I could tell she still had her head in the clouds, I just didn't think she would still be in this trance. What we did last night, we both promised not to mention it to anyone. 'What happens in Russia stays in Russia type thing' is what Alex said. I didn't have a clue what she was referring to so I had just nodded.

"Alex!" J'onn snapped, pulling us both out of our thoughts. Alex cleared her throat and looked at J'onn. "I can read minds, Alex. Get your head back in the game, we are trying to figure out a plan."

"I'm back!" Kara's voice rang throughout the whole room. "What did I miss?"

"You shouldn't be moving around too much, Kara."

"What? Why?" She grumbled, with a whining tone in her voice. "I'm healed now, completely fine." I looked at Alex, who nodded. I smiled at Kara and grabbed her hand, taking her back to the Medbay.

"You need to lie down and rest."

"Y/N! I am fine! I was barely hurt yesterday." Kara threw her hands in the air and hit my hand away when I tried to fix electrodes to her chest. "Seriously, I am fine."

"Then what triggered your episode?" I immediately regretted my words, knowing Kara wouldn't remember it. "Sorry, I shouldn't... I shouldn't have brought it up."

"I... which..." She looked down. "It wasn't anger again, was it?" She looked up, scared that she could have hurt someone.

"No, God no." I looked down at my feet. "You were thrashing around and screaming. You were telling Lena to get off you and to let you go. You wouldn't stop until Alex gave you an anesthetic."

"I'm so sorry. You shouldn't have had to see that." She shook her head.

"Kara, you're my friend. Friends help each other through hardships and listen to their struggles. I am glad I know what to do if you have an episode around me."

"When you came to the hospital to see me all that time ago... when all of this started..." She paused and a tear started to fall out of her eye. "Did you... know that I had this... thing going on?"

"They told me when I walked into your room that there would be complications because of brain damage but I didn't know what they meant. It didn't even register properly at the time, I just knew I had to be there for you." I was still looking at my feet, Kara put a finger under my chin and lifted my head up. My eyes met hers and I quickly looked away. "Go home to Lena, I'll tell Alex you're resting."

"Thank you." She wrapped her arms around me and I sunk into her tight embrace. I didn't want her to let go, I was scared that I could lose her at any moment because of these damn episodes. I simply nodded instead of replying and I walked out to Alex and J'onn. They were getting a strike team ready.

"What the hell are you guys doing?"

"It's quite obvious." J'onn retorted.

"I meant... why are you getting a strike team... He'll kill you all."

"No, he won't." Alex walked away and came back a minute later in her huge suit.

"I'm coming with you," I stated. If they weren't going to back down, neither shall I.

"No, Y/N. We are trained in fighting villains like Lex Luthor, you need more training." Alex took my hand to try and get her point across. "Please, just stay here."

"You have no choice. I am trained and I can fight fairly well. Also, if you..." J'onn cut me off and put his hands on his hips.

"It's final! Y/N, Alex and I will lead the strike team to take down Lex Luthor."

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