1. Lilac

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Don't find love, let love find you. That's why it's called falling in love because you don't force yourself to fall; you just fall.

Nine years later...

"Enrico! Enrico!! Enrico!!!" A few people chanted in support of him as they watched him gulp down his sixth and last shot of alcohol served in little glass cups while his competitor was not even anywhere close to him.

He raised the last cup victoriously.

"I win!" He exclaimed at the same time and everyone cheered him on before he brought it down.

"Drinks are on me tonight everyone!" He offered loudly and their cheers for him grew louder. He sighed as he turned to his competitor. A smile grew on his face as he placed a hand on his shoulder.

"I never lose. Always remember that before challenging me again." He told him with a brief smile before getting up from his seat. His eyes turned for a second as he slightly felt light headed. He lightly brushed his fingers through his chestnut coloured hair stopping at where he bundled up his pony tail.

The dance floor beamed with red, blue and white rays more like the disco lights. Everyone at the dance floor moved and grooved their body to the music the DJ played through the throbbing loud speakers. It felt packed and hot but they cared less as their main aim was to get high and have a good time.

Enrico nodded his head to the jam emitting from the speakers as he headed back to his original seat in the club, the VIP lounge. There, he had the best view of the dance floor, a comfortable seat and had the waiters serving him at his beck and call. He was living the life.

He slumped on his seat as soon as he got there. He crossed his legs as soon as he brought it up on the table in front of him. He felt more comfortable this way.

"Hey, handsome!" A woman with an ebony skin called.

He looked up to her and did the first thing he usually does when a beautiful woman approach him. He takes a good look at her body while a flirtatious smile carves on his face. It was as if she knew what he was doing as she stood still herself. Slowly, his eyes scanned her body from head to toe and then back up to her face.

She stood with a drink in one hand. Her red, skimpy body-hug dress showed all her curves in the right places. She was more like an hour glass figure and her skin shone beautifully in the dim illumination of the club.

Not bad. He told himself but took it upon to remain calm.

"You seem alone. Can I join you?" She asked, her voice sounding a bit rough, yet flirtatiously sexy.

He stared at her for a second observing just how desperate she wanted to get close to him. As far as he could see, she passed.

"Sure." He accepted while nodding his head to the music before looking away from her and unto the dancing bodies on the dance floor. She smiled to him as she had her seat beside him, gently crossing her legs afterwards on purpose to flaunt her exposed thighs and long thin smooth legs. He noticed and for a second couldn't help staring at them. His eyes went back up to her face. It was a crazy game they were playing. He knew she knew exactly what she was doing but he was going to play along. After all, that's what he came there for. Drink to stupor or get laid.

He watched her gulp down some of her drink a bit seductively., gently fluttering her lashes as she drank down. He noticed and her little crazy attempt to seduce him brought a smile to his face. Afterwards, she left the cup on the table in front of them.

"So...you're Enrico Vos." She started and his smile broadened.

"I see, you've done your homework." He replied getting a closer look at her face.

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