Bluebell (part 2)

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Enrico's mobile phone rang and he picked it up. One look at the caller ID and his mood changed. He sighed before picking up the call and brought the phone close to ear.

"Enrico, I need the new password this moment." She ordered through the phone. He lightly rubbed his forehead in irritation.

"You do know that there's a good reason I changed the password into my apartment, right?"

"And that would be?" She asked on purpose.

"Mum, please don't play games with me. You know this isn't the first time I'm changing the password because of you. I've had to change it countless of times just to keep you out." He told her, as he rested his head on his left hand.

"Enrico, when you decided to move out of our perfectly huge home, I said nothing; but you can't block me out like this. You neither want to get a good woman nor a maid into your apartment. I have no choice but to keep doing this. I'm the only one who can look out for you, so give me the password or you'll never hear the end of this." She warned him meaning every word in her sentence.

Enrico slightly withdrew the phone away from his ear, as he shut his eyes for a second and gritted his teeth bitterly within closed mouth at how helpless he was. His pulse heightened in anger as he folded his other hand into a fist. He tried so hard not to squash his phone at the moment. Finally, he opened his eyes once more and let out a relieving sigh, before bringing the phone back to his ear.

"Fine. I'll text you the password." He told her before cutting the call, refusing to give her any chance at all to say anything more to him.

He roughly rubbed his hand across his face. She had put him in a sour mood. He didn't even know why he always bothered with changing the password when each time, he always ends up giving it to her. It was futile for him to fight with his mum and he clearly knew that. She was one woman who knew how to throw tantrums and get things done her way.

* * *

Kiana could hear her own stomach grumble but she ignored it. She hadn't eaten anything since the cereal the previous night. Her stomach begged and craved for food but it was something she couldn't do. She took out her purse and went through it. She barely had enough for transport to her part-times, plus she needed to save enough money to pay Trent. He really wasn't one to kid around with. She had no idea how she managed to last this long owing him.

"Kiana, aren't you having lunch? Come with us. There's this new restaurant down the street." Lisa asked, as she walked up to her desk with two other employees.

Kiana managed to put up a smile as she quickly returned her purse into her handbag.

"Um... No, I think I'll pass. I... I have some work to do." She lied, trying to keep her expression understandable. Lisa narrowed her eyes at her.

"Oh come on, there's a reason why it's called lunch break, so quit all that and come with us." Lisa persisted and Kiana just smiled as she shook her head as well.

"Yes, Kiana; come with us." The other employee urged with a smile but Kiana remained adamant. She had no choice but to keep saying no. It would be embarrassing to go all the way to the restaurant with them and end up with having just a bottle of water.

"No. Thank you guys so much for the offer but... I... I'm really not that hungry, so I'll pass. You should go on. I'll be fine." Kiana stated, pressuring them to leave her behind.

"Fine. Okay, if you say so." Lisa gave up and soon enough, they were on their way towards the restaurant.

Kiana let out a sigh as she watched them leave. If only they knew how hungry she was but unfortunately, such luxury wasn't written in her destiny. She returned her stares to the screen of the computer in front of her. Perhaps, she would forget her hunger if she occupies her mind with work.

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