Violet (part 2)

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Enrico walked into his room with his heart racing so fast. His panting grew louder. His blood pumped within his ears. He felt so angry, yet he couldn't do anything. Absolutely nothing. His aunt just had a knack for making everything go her way all the time. She really couldn't let this one go for just one time. He really didn't want to do this. He really didn't want to go on dates or, better yet, make Cecile fall for him. He had his own way of doing things. He felt so stuffed up. Rage filled him and he knew it wouldn't die down quite easily, so he made a decision on what to do to let off some steam.

* * *

Kiana turned her head away from the counter she was wiping and that was when she caught sight of Enrico getting off the last staircase and then walking off towards the direction of the room in which he exercises. He had changed into something different than what he wore earlier. He spared her no glance this time as well. As he disappeared out of sight, Kiana thought as to why he resembled someone venturing into war.

She sighed once more hoping he was actually okay.

A few hours later, Kiana was done making dinner. Apparently, earlier, they had slept through lunch time and were unable to have one. She wiped her hands on the hand towel before taking a look at the time on her mobile phone. It was a few minutes past six in the evening and as she looked away from the screen, she sighed.

Enrico hadn't stepped out of that room since he went in. It made her wonder how many hours it took him to exercise. She also recalled the fact that he hasn't eaten anything all day long, so there was a possibility that he exercised on an empty stomach. Any ordinary person would know that wasn't healthy. Eventually, Kiana decided she would wait till he walked out of that room.

An hour later, she stealthily paced to and fro in front of the counter, unable to stay at a place. Her eyes remained on the corner he had disappeared into.

Not even a sound.

Kiana wondered. She hadn't heard even the slightest sound possible. It made her wonder if he truly was okay at all. Perhaps, he might be injured or even worse, unconscious. She thought hard and thorough on what she needed to do.

* * *

Enrico lay on the bare floor flat on his back while his panting was at its peak. He had to do it as he was almost running out of breath. As he stared at the ceiling, he felt a little light headed for a second, but then, became okay. Perhaps, this was what he wanted, to punish himself in a form of workout till there was no strength left anymore within him. The fact that he couldn't state his mind vexed him and that was his punishment.

He shut his eyes for a moment, then opened them once more but what he saw wasn't the least bit what he expected.

Kiana stared down at him. Her face overshadowed his. He stared back at her for what seemed like forever before she spoke up to break the silence.

"Dinner is ready." She told him, but he remained still for a second before looking away from her and getting up to his feet.

"I'm not hungry." He remarked, without taking a look at her as he began to put on his boxing gloves with his back faced to hers.

"You're not hungry? I'm pretty sure you haven't eaten anything all day and for hours, you've been cooped up in here..."

"What exactly do you want to happen!?" Enrico asked out of the blue, interrupting her comments and standing in front of her. His words had taken her by surprise including how fast he had walked up to her. Almost in a flash.

The look in his eyes was different. Different from what she had seen hours ago. This time, it was filled with anger, frustration and contempt. Kiana wondered what happened to make him different all of a sudden.

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