Marigold (part 2)

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"You never truly loved me in the past and just like then... you don't love me now. You just... pity me, so, Enrico Vos, let's end things for real... I really hope I never see you again... Goodbye." She ended and quickly walked away before something else would stop her from doing the right thing.

For a very strange reason, Enrico stood like a statue and watched the love of his life walk away.

"Foolish girl. I do love you." He stated in a whisper as he watched her go, while the tears slowly gathered in his eyes and he tried hard to contain them.

After walking a great distance away from him while she silently sobbed, Kiana finally found a public chair and had her seat. She sobbed some more while her insides felt like it was turning inside out. Her heart ached terribly and she had to place a hand there, as if to contain the pain. She had been such an idiot thinking for a while that the phrase 'happily ever after' might also be for her. Finally, her eyes were cleared and she was going to let the past be and move onto something better and different in the future. She was going to forget the fact that Enrico Vos ever existed in her life. In that moment, all their memories together in the past few weeks flashed across her mind, causing her to sob more.

Thereafter, she sniffed and tried to control her tears, began getting her phone out of her handbag and searching for a number from her contact list. She brought the phone close to her ear.

"Hello, Macy." She called, her voice a little shaky even to her own hearing.

"Kiana?" Macy's voice came through.

"The friend I told you about has finally made a decision... She'll take the shack."

* * *

Enrico stepped out of his office then walked up to an employee. He gave a few orders, then handed the folder to him before turning away. On his way back to his office, he suddenly stopped and shifted his eyes to the desk and chair, which used to be occupied by Kiana. Her stuff was gone and nothing about her lingered around it. It made him recall the very next day after their last talk together when he received a resignation letter sent from her. She hadn't shown up in person and it hurt to know that she truly didn't want to see him.

Later that day, he walked into his home. Everything was in its usual place. Nothing seemed disorganised or out of place. It reminded him of her once more and as he stared at the kitchen, he could imagine her standing right behind the counter trying to cook up something for him to eat. He looked away and eventually made his way towards her room. He gently turned the knob then pushed the door open to reveal a room nearly empty. He walked over to the wardrobe and pulled it to open. Her clothes were gone, as well as her bags. He went ahead to check the bathroom for any sign of her properties, but got nothing.

Finally, he slumped on the bed and it dawned on him that she was truly serious about ending everything with him. He shut his eyes as he rested his elbows on his knees, then buried his head in the palm of his hands.

He had lost her once again. Perhaps, they weren't meant to be together after all.

* * *

"It's nice to know that woman is gone from our lives once and for all." Giulia stated as she looked from Sofia, seated on the opposite end, onto Enrico, who sat behind his desk, eyes pretentiously buried within the work in front of him. He barely paid them any attention.

Sofia's eyes sat on him and after a while of silence, she spoke up.

"I suppose the marriage idea between you and Cecile will stand, right?" She asked, barely sure of the reply she might get.

He slightly raised his eyes away from the papers at hand at the mention of marriage.

"The Sterlings are patiently waiting for your reply. Cecile already gave a yes and frankly, Enrico, you should too. Perhaps, it's time you settle down and there's no better match than Cecile. She's beautiful, hardworking, smart, charming and an heiress worth billions. She'll make a great wife..."

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