8. Iris

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Love is like playing the piano. First, you must learn to play by the rules, and then you must forget the rules and play from your heart.

by Anonymous.

* * *

The class was in chaos starting with chatting teenagers to the screeching of the marker on the board.

"Alright." A lady stated, as she walked into the classroom holding a few books in her hands. The students, on the other hand, quickly dispatched to their various seats and, at the same time, toning down on the noise that had once engulfed the classroom.

"Good morning, class." She stated with a warm smile, as she stood in front of the classroom. She took a second to take a quick look at all the students in the class. None were missing and all were familiar. Satisfied with her daily routine check, she looked down at the table below her.

"Today we're starting with..." She started but stopped midway as she picked up the marker a student had hurriedly left there. The teacher noticed a female student, who walked into the class, but stopped by the door.

She properly turned to her tilting her head slightly to her left.

"Do you belong to this class? I'm sure I've never seen you before." She stated to the student, who, on the other end, gave a quick but brief smile before giving a reply.

"Not really... I'm new." She explained and the teacher nodded in accordance.

A few whispers went among the students, followed by one or two chuckles, but a young boy, who had his head bent all this time, suddenly looked up at the voice of a young female student. He blinked several time, then adjusted his glass, so they could rest properly at the bridge of his nose. He rubbed his nose once as he kept staring at her. He took the opportunity to study her features.

For some reason, he had taken a strange interest in her. She looked probably the same age as he was. She was slim and fit, and somehow her hair looked like a golden waterfall. The longer he stared at her, the slower her movements became. He eventually furrowed his brows at how strange everything seemed. As she blinked, her eyelids moved ever so gracefully, and without a care about the world. Her lips, they weren't plump, but they fit just right for her face. He couldn't hear a thing anymore.

All he heard was the sound of his fast racing heart, which inadvertently grew louder as she turned away from the teacher and walked directly towards him. Their eyes met for a second. He widened his eyes out of surprise, but then as she drew closer in a movie, in slow motion, the beating of his heart grew louder. Fear gripped him as he thought why she walked in his direction. He wondered if she had noticed that he'd been staring, so his fear look over, therefore causing him to stay away from her.

His breathing had seemed deeper as he stared down at his desk, trying to seem to be okay as he nervously rubbed his palms together. He argued within himself whether or not to look up. Eventually, he gave him and slowly raised his head. He saw the teacher writing on the board. He looked away from her, scanning the classroom for any sign of her. His notorious bully slightly turned his head, and as their eyes met, he had a wacky facial expression just to scare him off. It as worked as the boy stared away from him, still in search of the girl. His eyes widened a bit as he found her, but she was seated right next to him. He felt his breathe hitched as he stared at her desperately searching for something in her bag. He took a look at the book on her desk, and tried of think what it might be about.

She sighed quite frustrated as she couldn't seem to find what she had been so sure she left within her bag. Suddenly, she felt a light tap on her arm and so she slightly turned to the young boy in glasses with a pen in his hand stretched out to her. She stared at the pen for a second, quite surprised at his catching on at the fact that she had lost her pen and needed one at the pressing moment.

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