Pansy (part 2)

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As she gently laid on the bed with her head rested on the pillow, gently and lightly, he came on top of her. While they stared into each other's eyes both hearts raced like never before and he drew his head closer to place a warm kiss on her lips, which eventually grew deeper. As he made his way down the nape of her neck, she shut her eyes to savour the moment and at that very second, a strange memory flashed across her mind causing a light scream to escape from her lips. Enrico raised his head to her in a startle.

"What's wrong?" He asked as he noticed the fear encoded within her eyes and face, something he hadn't quite seen before on her.

She couldn't say a word. She didn't know how to describe what she had seen. A memory she had tried so hard for years to suppress. It did make sense it would surface at this moment, since they were a little similar. Her heart had sunk deep and her breathing, loud and rapid, as if she had just ran a thousand miles.

"Kiana, what's wrong?" He asked once more, as he lightly stroked her cheek. She still didn't give a reply and the panicked look in her eyes didn't make him feel better about their new situation.

"Maybe, we shouldn't do this." He stated in a worry, as he attempted to get off her, but she quickly held on to his arms.

"No." She stopped him, which sort of put him in a confused state. She gulped down hard as she stared directly into his eyes.

"My past isn't going to get in the way again... I want to have this moment with you... just you." She stated and he could see the sincerity in her eyes. It made his worries sort of go away, so he drew closer once more, nothing was going to stand in their way.

Afterwards, they laid curled up in each other's arms and with the blanket shielding their naked bodies. A sigh of satisfaction escaped her lips and somehow, he couldn't stop smiling. They lay silently for a while, before she suddenly spoke up.

"Can I tell you something you don't know?" She asked, before looking up to his face. He stared down at her.

"Another secret?"

"Not really... I... I never took the money your mother offered me to stay away from you all those years ago." She confessed, while looking him straight in the eyes. She saw the expression on his face change for a second.

"You... never did?" He asked and she nodded, before shifting her eyes away from him.

"I just went along with her plan because I thought and believed that you deserved better than hanging around someone like me." She explained before looking back up to him, but this time, he held no expression. She couldn't decipher what was going on in his mind.

"Why would you think that? I, kind of, was a loser then. Hanging around someone like you was exciting for the first time in my life."

"That's what you think, but..." Kiana started, as she sat up and Enrico followed suit.

"... my life wasn't actually perfect... my mother... she was a hooker. I don't even know who my father is. I did some menial jobs back then and some of them were illegal. I seemed to have had everything under control, but my life was actually a mess. Someone as bright as you would gain absolutely nothing from hanging with me, so... I had to let you go for your own good." She explained and Enrico did nothing, but listened attentively. He knew she had to say all this in order to feel better and he knew no amount of what he said would make her forget everything, so he engulfed her from behind in a warm embrace.

She hadn't expected an embrace at that moment, but she stayed still anyway and savoured the moment.

"I love you just as imperfect as you are." He told her and a wide smile slowly drew on her face. She turned and kissed him on the lips.

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