Apple Blossom (part 2)

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Her brows slightly furrowed as she noticed a man walk to the other side of the room to get something. She barely got a good look at him, as he went by so fast and Kerry's body was partly blocking her view.

"Here." Enrico stated, as he walked up to Kerry to hand her the money. She smiled as she collected the money from him and in that instant, his eyes shifted from Kerry to the familiar face behind her. Her eyes widened a bit, but her baseball cap slightly shadowed her face which made recognising her a bit hard for him. His brows slightly furrowed as he tried to make out who it was and why did the pizza delivery lady look familiar to him. Finally, he put the pieces together and it all made sense to him. His eyes widened upon realisation of who it was.

Kiana couldn't believe her eyes. Enrico was halfway dressed, with the buttons of his shirt all open and out from its usual tuck in position of etiquette and class. As he stared at her, for some reason she stared back. Both looked surprised to see each other. Kiana hadn't expected to see this side to him, not one bit. He truly wasn't the same person she used to know. He was, definitely, a different person.

"Hey! Hello!" Kerry called to get Ana's attention as she snapped her fingers in front of her eyes. Finally, she succeeded as Ana shifted her eyes back to her, trying her best to hide how little she had been startled by her fingers snapping in front of her eyes.

Kerry handed the money to Ana who accepted feeling a bit shaky; she couldn't understand why. In truth, whatever her boss did with his life wasn't her business. They were nothing to each other except being an employer and her, his employee. Kiana tried to reach for the little purse she had hung around her neck in order to search for change but Kerry stopped her.

"Don't worry about that. You can keep the change." Kerry told her and Ana managed to put a little smile in gratefulness.

"Thank you." She appreciated and Kerry nodded as she took a few steps backward before taking hold of the door and shutting it. In a matter of a second, Ana's eyes met with Enrico's once more, before Kerry completely shut the door.

Ana blinked a few times, still a bit in shock at what she had seen. She didn't even understand why she was thinking about what she saw. He was her boss and she, his employee. There was nothing else there to explain about their relationship. The past was in the past and the present wrote its own story. Kiana shook her head at all the funny stuffs going on at the moment. She didn't have the luxury of thinking about what someone else was doing with their own life. Right now, she had a lot on her plate to deal with and that was what she was going to focus all her attention on. Finally, she turned and walked away without taking one more look behind.


"She's weird." Kerry stated, just after she shut the door but Enrico didn't spare her a glance. His eyes were fixated anywhere but on her. His mind had travelled far and his thoughts all jiggled up. He couldn't quite explain the feeling he felt right after he realised Kiana was the one who saw him with Kerry. It was strange, especially for someone like him, who hardly cared about what the world thought. Why was there a difference regarding Kiana? Normally, he wasn't supposed to give a damn even if she saw him in bed with five different women; but now, all that didn't make sense to him.

"Enrico." Kerry called almost in a whisper as she held him from behind and her hands found its way ever so gently up to his chest. A light chuckle left her lips, as she rested her head slightly on his shoulder from behind. He took a look at her hands on his chest and realised that whatever stupidity which led him to come here with her in the first place, had eventually disappeared. He had suddenly lost interest. He didn't know what she had done that made him break his rule in the first place, but clearly, his head wasn't in the game and so he settled for anything.

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