Chapter 16

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“You are here because a prophecy was made.  A prophecy which concerns both you and your half-brother.  It was made by the nine magical sisters, fifteen years ago, on the day of your birth.  It was prophesied that a girl child would be born who would be able to wield great power and unite our people against the darkness of the one religion.  But the world must provide a balance, and if there is a birth to one side, there must be a birth to the other.  The prophecy spoke of a boy child who would be able to unite the people under one religion, wiping out all other gods and declare magical arts to be the actions of the devil.  If this should happen, the world will commence its descent into darkness. Despite the best of intentions, the world will be on a path of death, war and destruction.  Only one of you can succeed.”

I thought this over in the silence that followed.  It seemed unreal and distant.  A tale told to children to help them sleep at night, or maybe a tale to enforce good behaviour.  Be good, little children, or else you will be forced to unite the people of this realm from death and destruction.  Be good little children, or the gods you have grown up with will wither and die.

Melena had led me down the stairs in the kitchen into an underground stone storage room.  All around me stood sacks of flour, cured meats, ale, wine and vegetables.  Melena had lit the two candles passing one to me as we descended the stone stairs.  Her voice echoed off the walls as she spoke.  A fitting setting to speak of prophecies I thought as I breathed in the mustiness and smell of dust.  I laid my candle on a nearby table, the flames jumping off the walls creating shadows of forms that were not there.

“How do you know the prophecy is about me?” I asked, glancing up at a spider that was slowly descending on his line of silk.  I shifted slightly to ensure he did not end up in my hair.

“The prophecy described a girl with changing eyes, a girl whom all the creatures of this world could unite under, a girl who had one foot in the light, and one foot in the dark which would make her the most powerful sorceress of our time.  Your mother knew early on, and any doubts we had were put to rest upon hearing of Merlin’s attempts to bind you.  A powerful sorcerer in his own right, Merlin would not bind a person unless he was afraid of something.”

“So Merlin knows about the prophecy as well?”

“It would appear he does.  Merlin has many powers of his own, and prophecies are not always unique to one person or group.  Many people can see a prophecy if they choose to look at the right time.  How and what the prophecy chooses to show is up to the interpretation of the seer.  What we saw, may not be what Merlin saw, though the message may be similar.  We have been looking for many years, searching for something to bring the world together, as has Merlin.”

“Why would Merlin choose to bind me, as you say, and choose to keep Arthur if Arthur is the one who will lead the world into darkness?” My voice cracked as I struggled to keep control of myself.  I felt like I was on the verge of discovering the true meaning behind the horrible events so many years ago.

“You must understand Morgana, Merlin may have seen the prophecy differently than we.  His interpretations may have been that you would bring darkness to this world, and not the other way around.  He may have felt that he was in fact saving the world from the future you would bring forth.”

“Then how can you know for sure that I will unite the people?  What if I am the one to bring death and destruction?”  My voice was rising again in my frustration to understand.  It seemed too complicated and unclear, like trying to see the treasure through muddy waters.

Melena smiled at me then, and she pulled me to her in a hard hug.

“We know because we have made sure.  Do you think we came to this conclusion on a whim?  The one religion, through its goodness, will be used to persecute and destroy.  It will be a violent and bloody takeover that will cause tremors across centuries.  People will forget what the Mother gave us, what she provides us.  They will forget to honour her and once this happens she will be just another commodity to be stripped and sold until there is nothing left.  People will forget to honour her children, the gods of earth, wind, fire and water.  All will be taken for granted.  We have seen this.”

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