1| you're mine all mine

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The hallways stunk of sweat and blood. Yells filled the building, as people fought with each other. I strode down the corridor, a gun twirling in my hand. I whistled a happy tune, as I aimed and quickly shot down a member from the opposing gang.

"Mr. Jeon!" Someone called, from behind me. I twisted on my heel, and glanced at the small boy, running up to me. He skidded to a stop, panting, hands on his knees. "Our leader...he's...dead!" My blood ran cold. "Whoever managed to take down our leader must be some ruthless killer," I muttered under my breath, as I pushed past the kid, and ran down to the boss's office.

I, quietly, shoved the door aside, to find my boss dead and cold on the floor, eyes glazed. A man with parted black hair and black-lined eyes was conversing with a shorter man with blond hair.

"Jimin, go scout the perimeter, kill anyone in sight. Call Yoongi, too. I need him to set up the bomb times," the man ordered.

My eyes widened at his orders. The blonde, Jimin, nodded before running off, in the other direction.

"Alright, come out now."

I stiffened. How? I was being as stealthy as possible! There was no way he could've sensed me.

But the man was looking to his right.

A boy, shakily, stepped out from the shadows, and walked towards him. Shit! It was that boy from before!

"You were here earlier, right? When I killed your leader?" The man mused, taking out his gun, and taking off the safety. The boy nodded, trembling.

"Please! Don't kill me! I already brought him here! What more do you want?"

The man smirked, "how pathetic. You'd ditch the honor of dying with your own members, and betray them instead?" The man chuckled, without humor.


He pointed his gun, and shot the boy, right in the heart.

The boy dropped dead, and I watched unfazed. It's what being in a gang teaches you. If you're not the one lying cold, then you just have to move on. But, I felt a twinge of pain, in my heart. I didn't even know his name.

"Hey, who the fuck are you?"

I quickly, turned around, and knocked the guy's hand off of my shoulder, with my gun. I swept my leg, to make him go crashing down, then got on top of him, and pinned his arms back.

The man, with bright red hair, grunted underneath me. "Damn brat. That was sneaky," he grumbled.

"Hoseok? What's going on?"

The black haired man had appeared from the doorway, and glared down at the scene. "Who's this? And how did he manage to take you down so fast?"

Hoseok grunted, "The little bastard had a gun on him! I was coming from the van, and that's damned Kim Namjoon took my weapon!"

The black haired man rolled his eyes, before grabbing the back of my jacket, and yanking me up. I gripped onto my gun, but the man punched me in the gut, and yanked it out of my grasp. He tossed it to Hoseok, who caught it, while standing up from the floor.

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