3| not a general, you punk!

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"Hyung, can you stop?"

"I don't want to."

"It hurts!"

"Baby, it should."

I pulled at my arm, "let go of my hand! You're squeezing it too hard!" Taehyung just gripped on tighter, making me wince at the pain. "Hyung!" I whined. He grinned, showing me his box smile, "I don't want others to have you. You're mine you know." I rolled my eyes, "yeah, you told me before, but I still don't get why I'm yours."

Taehyung raised his other and, and knocked the back of my head, softly. "Don't question it! Just take advantage of it!" Frowning, I shook my head, and swung our intertwined hands. "If you're going to hold my hand, can you at least be a little more gentle?"

The grip on my fingers, suddenly, lessened. I looked at Taehyung, "wow...we aren't even that close, and you're already whipped." He sent me a glare, "shut up! Who do you think you're talking to? I may be treating you like a princess, but I'm still your leader." I rolled my eyes, "you didn't need to be my leader if you didn't shoot off my gang." He snorted, "like I'd keep you in a group of wannabes. The fact that they wanted to kill you only helps my case." I sighed, then shook my head. "Fine, thank you so much for helping me escape from my troubles, sir!" I used my free hand to give him a mock salute.

Taehyung clicked his tongue, and raised his hand, threatening to hit me, again. "Hey! I'm a boss of a mafia gang, not a general from the military, you punk!"

He tugged on my arm, "now come on, I need to introduce you to my close friends. I've already rounded them up, in the meeting room." I frowned, "I'm not special enough for you to call all of your friends to a meeting." Taehyung moved his grip from my hand, and slipped an arm around my waist, "trust me, baby, you're more than special. You are vital, to me."

Emotions that, I didn't trust, fluttered in my stomach. We just met. He doesn't even know me! All he knows was what he saw in a file, and what he could pry from me in the span of seven hours.

We walked down the hallway, and Taehyung opened a door, and led us in.

"Ah, look, the boss is here!"

I looked around the room, considering the people. There was the red-head Hoseok, and beside him, was a shorter man with light blue hair. Their hands were intertwined, so I assumed that they were a couple. Next to the blue-haired man was Jin hyung, whose head was leaning against the shoulder of a silver-haired guy. The last member was a shorter boy, who had blonde hair. (a/n: Yes, I'm describing them by hair color. Sue me) I remembered that he was there, when Taehyung killed my leader.


I guess he's not my leader anymore.

The meeting room was just a circular space, with a huge black, glass round table and black high chairs. There was a white screen hanging off the wall and a black projector installed into the ceiling. Taehyung placed his hands on my waist, and lifted me up, on the seat. "Ah, hyung! I didn't need help!" I hissed. He only responded, by kissing the top of my hand, before climbing up into the chair, beside mine. I shivered from the contact, trying to keep the heat from rising to my cheeks.

"Aww! You two are so cute," Hoseok cooed, from across the table. The blue-haired man snorted, making Hoseok wrap an arm around his shoulders, "but, they're not as cute as we are."

Taehyung shook his head, and slung an arm back, hanging off of my chair. "This is Jungkook, the one I've been talking about."

"Nonstop, too," the blonde, Jimin, as I remembered, murmured. There were chuckles, exchanged.

It was, suddenly, hard to keep the blush down.

Taehyung sent a glare towards the blonde, "do you want to be demoted?"

"I was wrong," Jimin gasped, putting a small hand over his mouth, widening his eyes, comically. (a/n: lol I was about to write "smol" instead of "small." When you're used to using mochi references)

Rolling his eyes, Taehyung pointed a finger at the blonde. "Baby, this is Park Jimin. Has the second biggest mouth, next to Hoseok."

"Hey!" The two protested together.

Taehyung ignored them, and raised a lazy hand towards the blue-haired man. "That's Yoongi, you've already met Hoseok." I winced at the memory.

"Sorry, about throwing you around before," I mumbled. Hoseok grinned, "it's fine. I haven't gotten a beat up like that in ages." The guy named Yoongi narrowed his eyes, "I can still beat you up just fine."

Hoseok nodded, gravely, and patted his boyfriend's arm, "I know, babe. Please don't. There's still a bruise after that time you punched me...months ago."

Taehyung cleared his throat, and nodded at the man beside Jin. "And that's Namjoon, Jin's boyfriend." I bowed my head, at all of them. "Nice to meet you all," I murmured.

Jimin cooed, "aw! He's like a little kid, who got forced to meet his parents' friends." Taehyung shot him a glare, "I just wanted to introduce him to you pricks. We can leave now, if you want."

"Alright, alright! Jeez! When did you get so butthurt? Was it because I teased your boyfriend?"

Agh, that does not help me, in trying to contain the increasing heat, that was spreading to my neck. We weren't even together! I don't even know what we are. What was I to Taehyung?

"Stop embarrassing the poor boy," Namjoon chided. Jimin rolled his eyes. "Yes, Father," he responded, sarcastically.

"Hey! Don't disrespect my Joonie!" Jin reprimanded. "Sorry, Mom," was all Jimin replied with.

Taehyung huffed, hopped out of his chair, and grabbed my wrist. "Well, since you guys are acting like jerks, we're leaving then."

Yoongi rolled his eyes, "you're the one who called us here." Taehyung made a dismissive gesture with his hand, "I did, and you came. Don't forget who you're talking to, Yoongi hyung. I respect you a lot you know." The latter only rolled his eyes, and nodded, huffing a "fine...possessive bitch."

"What was that hyung? I couldn't seem to hear you properly," Taehyung called over his shoulder, as he led us away.

"I said, 'what a great guy! I'm so glad that he's my leader. I'm so fortunate!'"

Hmmm...was this fluffy enough? Eh, I'll try harder next time.


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