11| i love you, too

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I stared at Taehyung, absolutely, speechless.

How the hell do I respond to this? How do normal people usually react in these types of situations? Being raised in the mafia life doesn't really have a How to Address a Love Confession 101 guide book, lying around somewhere.

I tried opening my mouth, to say something. Anything. But, it was like my voice had failed me, and I'd suddenly gotten a sore throat. Nothing came out.

Discouraged, with my lack of speaking, I let my actions do the talking.

My hands reached out, to wrap around the back of Taehyung's neck and pull him closer to me. Tentatively, I brought my lips to his, in a light kiss. He responded, almost immediately. Our lips moved together in sync; in perfect harmony. His hands ran up my back, then latched into my hair.

Butterflies fluttered from my stomach, to my chest. It felt like my heart was swelling, and my ribcage just couldn't hold it all in. I needed Taehyung to know how I feel. I needed him to understand.

Before I leave him.

It must've been decades before we parted, panting slightly.

This time, I tried talking, again.

"I love you, too."

Taehyung gave me a soft smile, gently, bumping his forehead with mine. "That kiss said enough," he murmured, still smiling slightly.

"Taehyung...because I love you, I have to go. If something happens to you, because that bastard finds out that I'm here, I'll never forgive myself."

The smile had melted off, completely. Taehyung reached out, and smacked my temple, lightly. "Pabo. Do you think I give a damn if that son of a bitch finds out that you're here with me? I think I made it pretty clear that I don't want you stepping a single toe out there, without me." The look in his eyes, grounded me, making me think twice about my decision about leaving. But, I would never want to befall danger on Taehyung. I couldn't do that to him.


"You're not fucking going, Jungkook," he growled, lowly, sending goosebumps up my spine.

"I'm not going to say this again. You're not leaving and that's final. You are not leaving my sight, understood?"

Sighing, I nodded, slowly. "Fine...But, if you die, because of me, I will never forgive you."

Dammit! How could he change my mind like this? In a flash? Was I really that submissive to him, that I can't even leave, to save his life? What was wrong with me?

A small grin took his face, "then I'm just going to have to bear with the guilt." I scowled, "you'd better."

Taehyung laughed, and pulled me close to his chest. "Don't leave me, alright? I can't bear to be alone ever again." That made me frown, "but you have Jimin, Yoongi, Hoseok, Jin, and Namjoon. You have an entire operation, who all follow you. How could you be alone?"

He held me at a distance, and peered down at me. "Yeah. But, I don't love them the way I love you, Jeon Jungkook. I can't love anyone else, but you."

A blush spread from my neck, to my cheeks.

"Aww, you're so adorable," Taehyung cooed, pinching my red ears. "You're like a cute, cuddly, little bunny!" He giggled. I scowled, and pushed his chest, slightly. "Fuck you! I'm not cute nor cuddly!"

That only earned me a scoff. "Right," he said, before pulling me closer to him. "Sure, Kookie. Whatever you say."

There was a knock on the door, making us, both, look up. Taehyung sighed, then sat up, pulling me along with him. He wrapped a protective arm around my waist, before calling a quiet, "come in."

It was Hoseok, who entered the room. He barely glanced at me, as he spoke. "We got inside information. Looks like the Jeon group are planning to plant spies, so we're going to have to be extra careful with admittance, at the entrance, and even with our own workers. You never know when someone might betray us."

Taehyung nodded, "the usual then."

Hoseok nodded, "yes, but you'd best be careful. They're not like those fumbling idiots, who can't even aim a gun, properly. Remember, Taehyung, these guys were ranked top, before us."

"Yeah," Taehyung responded, softly. "I know, Jung. No need to remind me." He glanced at me, before ordering Hoseok to leave.

Once the door shut, softly, I turned to face him. "You're worried. I know you are."

Taehyung considered me for a second, before sighing.

"Maybe just a little bit," he admitted. "But, nervousness isn't going to stop me. I will win, I promise you that. I won't be the one backing down from this fight. Kim Taehyung doesn't know how to loose."

"Nor does he know how to speak in the first person," I teased.

That made him smack my chest, with the back of his hand, before pulling us down on the bed, again. "Shush, and let me sleep."

"Fine, since you asked so nicely."

"I heard that sarcasm, mister. Don't make me punish you."

"How would you punish me?"

"Do you really want to know?"

"Not anymore. I think I know how."

Filler chapter, since I needed to update, but my tired brain can't function lols


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