19| never again

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Taehyung would not let go of me, the moment, I'd pulled off my mask and hood. His hands roamed everywhere, touching me, as if making sure that I was real. I let him touch me, reassuring him that I was definitely real and in the flesh. His fingers tugged at my hair, gently. "It's grown out a bit," he murmured. "Your body's gotten bigger too." I smiled, fondly, at the older boy. "I would say the same to you," I smirked, eyeing him up and down.

The elder blushed, and sent me a scowl. "Shut it," he grumbled. I wasn't lying though. His shoulders were broader and his face had set into a more mature structure. He seemed more toned, and more grown up since the last that I've seen him. Three years could change anyone. I didn't fail to miss the black circles underneath his eyes, either.

Sadness ran deep within me. How much has he slept, since I've been gone? How long has he suffered, worrying about seeing me ever again? How much has his soul died off everyday? What has he experienced in my absence?

"Hyung," I murmured, quietly, stopping our stroll to the auditoriom, and turned my body around to meet his gaze. "How much have you been eating? How much sleep have you had? Are you okay? You need rest." Taehyung smiled, a gentle smile. "Jungkook. Stop worrying about me—"

"But you've worried about me!" I exclaimed. "How can I not worry about you? How is that fair to you?" His face, suddenly, looked really tired, but it wasn't unkind. "Kookie. We've both worried about each other, over the three years. I worried about finding you, and you worried about getting back to me, from wherever you were." He placed a gentle hand on my cheek, and gazed into my eyes. "Am I right?" I nodded, "right...but, Taehyung. You look like you've just came back from death." He snorted, "and what about you? You look like you just came back from hell."

He patted my shoulder, "we've experienced a lot, Kookie. But, we're together again, and that's all that matters. I'm not letting you out of my sight, anymore. You're never leaving my side, ever again."

I smirked, "are you trying to regain your dominance in our relationship? Might I remind you who topped, before I was kidnapped?" His cheeks tinged red, before a sudden darkness shadowed his face. "Kidnapped?" He asked in a deep voice. "Who was it? I'm going to kill whoever that was."

I shook my head, "come on, let me explain in front of everyone else." I slipped my arm around Taehyung's waist, and pulled him close to me. His closeness brought comfort, and set me at ease. I was finally gone from that life. It was all behind me. I was free.

Everyone was gathered in the auditorium, murmuring questions. My arrival hadn't been notified, so they were all confused.

Taehyung pressed a kiss to my lips, before he went out on the stage, and cleared his throat, to catch their attention.

"You're probably wondering why I called for a meeting, like this," he began. The crowd's chatter diminished in an instance, and they paid attention to their leader, with earnest. I wondered what it must feel like to run an operation such as this, and have so much respect. I only briefly took over Jisung's position for a bit, so I could poke around and get out of the building. I gave the leadership stand to Lee Taeyong, the only person who's shown me any type of mercy.

I kind of yearned to be in a position where I was respected, not out of fear, but because of free will.

I zoned out a little, and only came back to reality, when Taehyung glanced at me, a small smile on his face. "As you all know, I've been searching for my boyfriend for three years," he spoke softly, into the microphone. The crowd murmured in agreement. "Well, I've decided to stop searching for him."

There were confused expressions exchanged, and pitied looks thrown at Taehyung.

Taehyung nodded at me, and gestured me to come out onto the stage. Silently, I headed towards Tae's side, thoroughly silencing the chatter in the room. "I've stopped searching for him, because he's here with me, again." It was silent for a moment, before cheers erupted, and clapping hands filled my ears.

Taehyung wrapped his arms around me, and leaned in to kiss me. The kiss was deep and full of pain and love. My hands found their way to his hips, and my fingers pressed into his sides. I'm never letting go of him ever again. I will never let myself lose him ever again.

Never again.

Filler chapter, since I needed to update, but that new comeback has got me jungshook. Like, the ending of this chapter became way too sweet because I was listening to Magic Shop and I was in my feels man! THEY ARE PERFORMING ON THE BILLBOARDS THIS SUNDAY!! THAT IS TOMORROW LIKE GODDAMN!!!!


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